Cannabis-growing waste fly-tipped in woodland

A council is investigating after the remains of a cannabis growing operation were dumped in a wooded area in West Yorkshire.

Bags full of rubbish were left abandoned in Ballroyd Clough, Huddersfield.

Large foil sheets, plant pots and dead potted plants were among the items dumped.

Kirklees Council confirmed the fly-tip was the remnants of a cannabis grow and it was looking to prosecute those responsible.

Appalled residents took to social media reporting feeling “sickened” by the sight, the Local Democracy Reporting Service said.

This follows news of a huge fly-tip at Cliff Hollins Lane in East Bierley, which saw two tonnes of waste abandoned at the side of the road.

David Shepherd, strategic director for growth and regeneration at Kirklees Council, said: "A fly-tip containing the remnants from a cannabis grow was reported to Kirklees Council on Thursday 20 June at Ballroyd Clough, Longwood.

"As with all fly-tipping incidents, we will be undertaking a full investigation to seek to prosecute those responsible."

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