Capcom's mysterious sci-fi game has been delayed again, this time indefinitely


Pragmata, the debut title in Capcom's big new AAA sci-fi IP, has been delayed indefinitely.

During today's Capcom Showcase, Pragmata debuted an impressive new trailer, but less impressive is the fact that's now uncertain exactly when it will release. The trailer itself is actually quite a clever disguise for the delay announcement. The whole thing is focused on a young girl apparently named Diana, who's fiddling with a piece of paper as heavily armored fighters fend off a bunch of hostile robots.

The camera eventually closes in on the piece of paper and you can clearly see "2022" and "2023" both scratched out and "very sorry" scrawled just below. The new release window is literally penciled in as a question mark, leaving its launch uncertain. The announcement mirrors the last delay the game suffered, which moved its 2022 release window to 2023.

Pragmata is an enigmatic new game from Capcom that, despite having been revealed three years ago, we still don't know a whole lot about. It seems to have AAA-level visuals and animation and a story involving futuristic astronauts, a little girl, and a holographic cat.

Capcom says the new trailer gives "a sneak peak" at Pragmata's gameplay and shows off its protagonists "exploring the dystopian near-future lunar world and facing off with robotic foes." From that, we can glean that the characters shown are the game's protagonists and that the game takes place on a moon somewhere. Other than those somewhat tantalizing details, we know little of the game's story, gameplay, and setting.

Here are some new games of 2023 to keep on your radar.