Car bomb kills 11 in Shi'ite Baghdad neighbourhood - police, medics

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A car bomb exploded in a mostly Shi'ite Muslim neighbourhood of southeastern Baghdad on Wednesday, killing 11 people, police and hospital sources said. The violence came a day after Baghdad witnessed one of its bloodiest days since U.S.-led air strikes against Islamic State insurgents in Iraq began in August. The sources said the explosion, which also wounded 27 people, occurred near a local market. Eight of those killed were civilians and three were policemen. Another bomb exploded in Mahmoudiya, a predominantly Shi'ite town south of Baghdad, killing one civilian and wounding seven, police and medical sources said. Baghdad has witnessed relatively few attacks compared to the violence in other areas hit by the offensive of Islamic State, who are ultra-radical Sunni Muslim militants, although bombs still hit the capital on a fairly regular basis. (Reporting by Kareem Raheem; Writing by Yara Bayoumy; Editing by Mark Heinrich)