Casualty star Amanda Mealing wasn't asked back for Charlie's exit plot

Casualty's Amanda Mealing wasn't invited back to play Connie Beauchamp for Charlie Fairhead's exit storyline.

It's been three years since Mealing left the medical soap, but during an interview with What to Watch, the actress shared her surprise over not returning for co-star Derek Thompson's final scenes as Charlie this year – considering Charlie and Connie were close.

"No, they didn't ask!" she said when asked if she would be making a special cameo.

charlie fairhead and connie beauchamp in casualty
Alistair Heap - BBC

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"I thought it might happen just because our characters have been through a lot together and myself and Derek are really close. I would have done it for free!

"It's going to be difficult: what is Casualty going to do without Derek? He and Charlie are part of the fabric of the show!" she added.

Would anything else ever tempt her back to Holby City Hospital, though?

"Never say never! I feel like things between Connie and Jacob Masters are unfinished, so I think I would!" she answered.

connie beauchamp in casualty
Alistair Heap - BBC

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While announcing his Casualty departure last year, Thompson shared in a statement: "The time has come for me to hang up Charlie's scrubs after the most wonderful 37 years. Charlie Fairhead was inspired by a real nurse – Pete Salt.

"Together with the writers and producers, I have tried to bring to Charlie the compassion, kindness, heroism and sound judgement that we all see and love in Pete and I want to say thanks to Pete and everyone else over that time who has inspired me in bringing this character to life."

Casualty airs on Saturdays on BBC One and streams on BBC iPlayer.

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