Catalan commission to investigate claims of abuse during banned referendum

MADRID (Reuters) - Catalonia will create a special commission to investigate claims of abuse by Spanish police during a banned referendum on independence on Sunday after more than 800 people were left injured, leader of region Carles Puigdemont said on Monday. Thousands of Spanish police were shipped in to the region to prevent the vote on secession though scenes of violence due to heavy-handed tactics by armoured, baton-carrying riot units have received international condemnation. The vote which the constitutional court banned and Madrid said was illegal, yet still attracted millions of defiant voters, was valid and binding, Puigdemont said during a conference. The Catalan leader said he had had no contact with Spain's central government and called on Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy to say whether he was in favour of mediation in talks over the region's future, which should be overseen by the European Union. (Reporting by Inmaculada Sanz; Writing by Paul Day; Editing by Sonya Dowsett)