How to be a CEO podcast: How Atom Bank made the four-day week work, with Anne-Marie Lister

Anne-Marie Lister is the chief people officer for Atom Bank (Anne-Marie Lister)
Anne-Marie Lister is the chief people officer for Atom Bank (Anne-Marie Lister)

When you’re rushing to become a CEO, or have the job and are just trying to stay on top of it all, the idea of a day off may be laughable at times.

But securing a fair work/life balance can be an achievement in itself.

How’s this for an idea: A four-day week?

Anne-Marie Lister is the chief people officer who led Atom Bank through a giant transformation in working practice.

A trial at the end of 2021 was such a success they decided to make it permanent; following an increase in productivity, and a lot of talent wanting to join a bank with barely a decade’s history behind it.

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