Chilling online messages of ‘neo-Nazi’ plotting to attack Michigan synagogue

The FBI thwarted a man’s plan to carry out a mass shooting at a synagogue in Michigan, court documents revealed.

Federal authorities seized at least six firearms and several tactical gear items from the home of 19-year-old Seann Patrick Pietila, of Pickford, on Friday. Investigators said they tracked down neo-nazi social media linked to Mr Pietila, which he allegedly used to discuss and plot the massacre at Shaaey Zedel Congregation in East Lansing.

Mr Pietila has allegedly admitted to the damning messages he exchanged with a 16-year-old in New Zealand. He told authorities he didn’t plan to follow through with the plans, but FBI investigators noted in an affidavit that Mr Pietila had planned to carry out the attack on 15 March 2024, the fifth anniversary of two Islamophobic mass shootings in New Zealand that left 51 people dead.

Authorities seized Nazi paraphernalia from Mr Pietila’s home and reviewed several messages in which he wrote, “Heil Hitler!”, and expressed relief that Michigan “thankfully doesn’t have that many ki***.” Mr Pietila allegedly stated his plans were prompted by a recent romantic breakup.

“Me and Limey. Equipment: hand-made pipe bombs, molotovs, Two Stag15-‘s 12 gauge shotgun and two back up Glock 18’s AND a Akm full auto conversion,” a note found in Mr Pietila’s iPhone, which also mentioned the date and target of the attack, read. “Good morning sweetheart, I hope you slept well. Do you still hate me?”

Mr Pietila has been charged with transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another, according to the Associated Press.

Seann Pietila allegedly planned to carry out a mass shooting at a MIcihigan synagogue on 15 March 2024, the fifth anniversary of two  Islamophobic mass shootings in New Zealand that left 51 people dead (FBI)
Seann Pietila allegedly planned to carry out a mass shooting at a MIcihigan synagogue on 15 March 2024, the fifth anniversary of two Islamophobic mass shootings in New Zealand that left 51 people dead (FBI)

He reportedly told investigators that he planned to kill himself with one of the firearms seized on Friday. In addition to the cache of weapons, the FBI also seized magazines, knives, gas masks, tactical vests and a red and white Nazi flag from his home.

Brittnay Stob, Mr Pietila’s mother, told investigators the weapons belonged to her and her husband, who live at a different residence. She said in an interview with ABC News that Mr Pietila had started consuming antisemitic content during the COVID-19 pandemic and “didn’t have access to mental health.”

“I won’t be taken alive,” one of the messages included in the affidavit and allegedly sent by Mr Pietila read. “I’ll make sure of that. Remember ‘Heil Hitler!’”

Another text read: “Starting to think plan B is the only option I got left ... Because f*** this generation for dating to marry.”

Mr Pietila has been charged with transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another (FBI)
Mr Pietila has been charged with transmitting a communication containing a threat to injure another (FBI)

While discussing a breakup, Mr Pietila allegedly wrote: “... She’s been ignoring me constantly and just been being a dry texter. But yeah I’m just done at this point. Fuck this world and everything in it. I’m gonna start making plans soon, just gotta buy a few more things.”

The Rabbi at Shaarey Zedek said in an interview with The Detroit News that he had informed his congregations of the arrest.

“We wanted our congregation to know that federal, state and local authorities are aware of the situation that didn’t happen because our law enforcement was on top of things, which we are thankful for,” Mr Bigman said.

Mr Pietila’s arrest on Friday came on the same day that a man was convicted in Pennsylvania for the deadliest attack against the Jewish community in the US.

He is currently being held without bond pending a court hearing on 22 June.