China says hopes new South Korean government will correct problems

Wang Yi, Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs, speaks before a meeting of the Security Council inside of United Nations (U.N.) headquarters in New York, U.S., April 28, 2017. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi told a visiting South Korean envoy on Thursday that China hopes the new government in Seoul will correct the problems that have been encountered in their relations. "We hope the new government will correct the problems that we have encountered and take effective measures and positions as soon as possible to remove the obstacles that have been placed on the road to good relations between our two countries," Wang told Seoul's envoy to China, Lee Hae-chan. "This is the desire of our two peoples but also our governments." China has strongly opposed the U.S. THAAD anti-missile system deployed in South Korea to counter the threat from North Korea, saying it can spy into its territory, and South Korean companies have been hit in China by a nationalist backlash over the deployment. (Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Nick Macfie)