China's U.N. envoy says North Korea, U.S. rhetoric 'too dangerous'

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Reacting to remarks by North Korea's foreign minister on Monday, China's U.N. Ambassador Liu Jieyi told Reuters the escalating rhetoric between North Korea and the United States was getting too dangerous and the only solution was negotiations. North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho told reporters that President Donald Trump had declared war on North Korea and Pyongyang reserves the right to take countermeasures, including shooting down U.S. bombers even if not in its air space. "We want things to calm down. It's getting too dangerous and it's in nobody's interest," Liu told Reuters. "We certainly hope that (the United States and North Korea) will see that there is no other way than negotiations to solve the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula ... The alternative is a disaster." (Reporting by Michelle Nichols; Editing by James Dalgleish)