Chinese President Xi vows support for Hong Kong leader: media

FILE PHOTO: Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam and Chinese President Xi Jinping walk after Lam took her oath in Hong Kong

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping met Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam in Beijing on Monday where he said he recognised her courage to govern the Asian financial hub in "exceptional times" and supported the city's police to uphold the law.

Lam met Xi during a regular duty visit to the mainland. Xi's brief comments to the media before the closed door session were broadcast by Hong Kong's Cable Television.

Earlier, Lam met Chinese Premier Li Keqiang who said Hong Kong was not yet out of the "dilemma" facing the city's economy after months of sometimes violent protests.

(Reporting by the Hong Kong newsroom; Editing by James Pomfret)