Chinese troops kill person suspected of illegally entering from N.Korea

BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese troops have shot and killed someone suspected of illegally crossing into China from North Korea, local authorities said, in the latest of a rash of violent incidents close to the sensitive border. The person was shot after resisting arrest early on Thursday, the government of Helong City said in a brief statement on its microblog. It made no mention of their nationality, and said the incident was being investigated. In April, three residents of Helong in northeast China were reportedly killed by North Korean soldiers searching for food and money. Border crime involving impoverished North Koreans have been a persistent irritant between North Korea and China, the isolated state's only ally. Last year, a North Korean murdered a Chinese family of three, prompting Beijing to file a formal complaint to Pyongyang, Chinese media reported in January. Defectors fleeing North Korea often try to cross the 520 km (320 mile)-long Tumen River that runs between China and the secretive state. (Reporting by Gerry Shih; editing by Andrew Roche)