Chris Hemsworth's Disney+ show Limitless gets season 2 renewal

limitless with chris hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth's Disney+ show getting season 2Disney

Chris Hemsworth's Disney+ series Limitless has been renewed for season 2.

The show first debuted back in 2022, and follows the Marvel actor as he tries to find ways of living a longer and healthier life, taking on challenges as he tests his mind and body.

It has now been confirmed that a second outing is on the way, which will take Hemsworth across the globe to stops such as Nepal, Australia and the UK.

limitless with chris hemsworth

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“Working on Limitless was an eye-opening experience that allowed me to reflect on my strengths, vulnerabilities and all the ways in which we as humans can plan toward longevity,” Hemsworth said.

“For this next season, we are attempting to raise the bar and go even deeper in this exploration alongside health and wellness experts from around the globe.”

The first season of the show notably saw the actor learn that he was at an increased risk of developing Alzheimer's due to him having two copies of the gene APOE4.

At the time, Hemsworth said he wanted to "take some time off" after learning the news – though later clarified that he wasn’t retiring.

limitless with chris hemsworth

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"It was interesting, because those two headlines got coupled together, that I was taking time off because of the genetic predisposition to Alzheimer's," he told Entertainment Weekly last year.

"That experience and that show [Limitless] made me go, 'Oh wow, none of us are invincible.' It kind of slams you into the moment. You start asking bigger questions, and you think, 'I need to slow down and just experience this moment now and not have the years race by.'

"It was a positive in that sense, but it got a little overdramatized, like I was potentially retiring because of this thing. Which just isn't the case," Hemsworth added.

Limitless airs on Disney+ in the UK.

More information about Alzheimer's is available on the NHS and Alzheimer's Society websites. Resources for readers in the US are available via the National Institutes of Health.

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