Chris Philp and Edward Argar: Who are the MPs involved in Treasury switch?

Edward Argar (L) and Chris Philip  (House of Commons)
Edward Argar (L) and Chris Philip (House of Commons)

Liz Truss looked to get her embattled Government back on track following the uncertainty and backlash caused by the mini-Budget.

In a bold move, the Prime Minister made the decision to sack Kwasi Kwarteng as Chancellor on his return from the US.

In his place, former leadership candidate and Health Secretary, Jeremy Hunt has now taken the role.

Ms Truss has also appointed Edward Argar as Treasury chief secretary to replace Chris Philp.

The chief secretary is the Treasury’s second most important job, and includes management of public spending.

Mr Argar swaps jobs with Mr Philp, who will take on Mr Argar’s former role of former paymaster general and minister for the Cabinet Office.

Who is Chris Philp?

Mr Philp was elected as MP for Croydon South in 201. He had been part of Camden council between 2006 and 2010.

He began his first business when he was 24, driving a delivery van and growing the business to employ hundreds of people, his website said.

In 2016, Mr Philp voted for Remain during the EU referendum but backed Mr Johnson’s Brexit deal in 2020.

Under the former prime minister, Mr Philp held two under-secretary roles in the Department of Culture and Department of Justice, while also being appointed minister for London.

At the start of the leadership election, Mr Philp, announced his support for Ms Truss, saying she “had the right mix of experience and vision for a dynamic, high growth economy”.

It is also thought Mr Philp was a key supporter of the controversial cut to the top rate of tax announced by the former Chancellor. The tax cut has since been reversed.

Mr Philip faced laughs from Labour MPs at Westminster earlier this week after he insisted the Government was not planning any further U-turns on tax measures.

He signed off an extra £2.3 billion in military support to Ukraine a few weeks ago.

Who is Edward Argar?

Mr Argar was elected MP for the Leicestershire constituency of Charnwood in 2015 with a majority of 40 per cent.

He grew up in Kent and studied at Oxford University.

Between June 14, 2018 and September 10, 2019, he served as under-secretary of state for justice.

He was later promoted to minister of state for health before taking up his previous role as paymaster general and minister for the Cabinet Office last month.

Following the scandal around former deputy chief whip, Chris Pincher, Mr Argar resigned from his post as minister for health.

During the leadership election, he supported former Health Secretary, Sajid Javid before supporting the current prime minister.

Mr Argar also supported the Brexit deal in 2020 but supported the Remain vote in the 2016 referendum.

He also served on Westminster City Council for nine years between 2006 and 2015.