Chris Pine reveals the movie that changed his life

Chris Pine's life was changed by 'The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement'.

The 43-year-old actor starred alongside Dame Julie Andrews and Anne Hathaway in the 2004 rom-com, and Chris acknowledges that shooting the movie was a life-changing moment for him.

Chris - who played the part of Nicholas Devereaux in the film - told the 'Today' show: "I just remember distinctly knowing in that moment that my life had changed somehow.

"It was the height of summer and I was getting off at Magnolia. I was on my little Verizon tiny little flip phone, my silver one, and I got a call from my agents that I booked the job."

Chris admitted that his life was transformed by the money he received for making the movie.

The actor shared: "I pulled over onto the side of the freeway and they said, 'You're getting paid $65,000,' And it was like they had just told me I'd made $50 million. It was absolutely earth-shattering. I’ll never forget that."

At the time, Chris was struggling to pay his bills, and the money gave home some much-needed breathing room.

He said: "I owed my parents rent money."

Meanwhile, Chris recently revealed that he was exposed to the "highs and lows" of the movie industry as a child.

The Hollywood star - who is the son of actor Robert Pine and actress Gwynne Gilford - explained that he "grew up in a specific kind of Los Angeles that was kind of on the Boulevard of Dreams and kind of on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams".

Speaking to PEOPLE, Chris shared: "I saw the highs and lows of the industry. And I grew up around people that were living the dream and people that desperately wanted to be in the dream."