Climate activists demonstrate outside Brazil embassies in Paris and London

PARIS/LONDON (Reuters) - Several hundred environmental activists demonstrated on Friday outside the Brazilian embassy in Paris as a clash between the two countries' leaders over the issue of climate change intensified, while similar protests took place in London.

On Thursday, French President Emmanuel Macron and U.N. Secretary General António Guterres expressed concerns about wildfires that are raging in the Amazon, but Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro responded angrily to what he regarded as meddling.

Anti-Bolsonaro protesters chanted outside the Brazil Embassy in Paris carrying placards with messages such as "Bolsonaro Out!" ('Fora Bolsonaro').

Climate activist group Extinction Rebellion said protesters were also gathering at the Brazilian embassy in London calling on Bolsonaro to protect the Amazon rainforest.

The dispute between Bolsonaro and Macron worsened on Friday, when Macron's office said Bolsonaro was lying when Bolsnaro played down concerns about climate change at the G20 summit in Japan in June.

(Reporting by Sudip Kar-Gupta in Paris and Costas Pitas in London; Editing by Angus MacSwan)