Climate activists protest at Blackrock over investments in the Amazon

LONDON (Reuters) - Climate activists targetted BlackRock, the world's biggest asset manager, on Friday by dumping ashes at its London office in a bid to draw attention to what it said was the destruction that the company wreaks in the Amazon basin.

"BlackRock are the world’s top investor in deforestation and coal, and one of the biggest investors in other fossil fuels," Extinction Rebellion said.

"We have dumped a pile of wood ash outside the building to represent the destruction of the Amazon fires, and are holding an open mic in the ashes for activists to embody the flames of our rage and compassion."

Activists unfurled a banner with the slogan "Stop financing deforestation". Blackrock could not be reached for immediate comment.

(Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge. Editing by Andrew MacAskill)