CNN Reporter Says Tucker Carlson Owes Him $1,000 For Mean-Spirited Bet

Like many media reporters, CNN’s Oliver Darcy has questions for Tucker Carlson.

And while Darcy is surely interested in asking Carlson about his sudden departure from Fox News this week, his most pertinent question may be, “Where’s my money?”

In a tweet posted Tuesday, Darcy said that the network’s now-former star once rang him up “a little more than a year ago to taunt me & say his ‘sources’ indicated I’d be soon fired.”

“He vowed to Venmo me $1,000 if I still was employed by CNN a year later,” the reporter explained.

Although Darcy is, in fact, still working at CNN, Carlson doesn’t seem to be keeping his mean-spirited promise.

“I have been unable to collect,” Darcy tweeted, adding that the right-wing media personality even seemed to ignore a Venmo request.

Darcy posted a separate tweet explaining that he planned to donate the cash to charity anyway, but noted that “Carlson’s word is apparently good for nothing.”

Neither Darcy nor Carlson immediately responded to HuffPost’s requests for comment.

The CNN journalist may not have received the money he was supposedly promised, but his tale of woe did inspire Twitter users to reach new heights of snark.
