CNN Reporter Shares Foul-Mouthed Replies From Marjorie Taylor Greene Spokesperson

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has adopted an interesting new press strategy.

CNN fact-checker Daniel Dale said Greene’s spokesperson told him to “fuck off” on Tuesday when he asked him to comment on the Georgia Republican’s false claims.

Dale said he contacted Greene’s office about a tweet in which the lawmaker blamed the Biden administration for two young men’s deaths by fentanyl poisoning in 2020 — when Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, was president.

Dale tweeted that Greene’s spokesperson, Nick Dyer, “responded by saying lots of people have died from drugs under Biden and ‘do you think they give a fuck about your bullshit fact checking?’”

Dale said he also asked Dyer about multiple false claims Greene had made about the 2020 election on Tuesday.

During a House election integrity roundtable that day, Greene berated a Georgia election official, insisting that “Trump won Georgia” in 2020, among other falsehoods about the vote.

According to Dale, Dyer responded to his query about that with a “Fuck off.”

Greene is routinely combative with the press, adopting Trump’s strategy of casting members of the media as liars when they report on inconvenient facts.

She’s been in the headlines in recent weeks after calling repeatedly for a “national divorce” between red and blue states, attracting backlash from both the political left and right.
