Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2024: Feast your eyes on the winners

Comedy Pet Photo Awards 2024: Feast your eyes on the winners

The Comedy Pet Photo Awards have awarded their top prizes for the year, and the results of the fifth edition will either tickle your funny bone or make you swoon. Sometimes simultaneously.

Created by professional photographers Paul Joynson-Hicks and Tom Sullam, these awards aim "to highlight the positive and vital role that pets have in our lives and to encourage engagement around animal welfare."

Six judges determined the winner of the overall best photo based on "technical excellence" and the "amusing content and caption".

This year, a dog trying to squeeze through a small cat flap won the top prize. Sarah Haskell’s photo titled "Not Just For Cats" had some fierce competition but emerged victorious.

Speaking on her win, Haskell said she was thrilled to have been crowned this year's winner.

"I am delighted that Hector and I have been part of it, and am tremendously proud to be a winner."

Without further ado, here are the winners:

Overall Winner & Dog Category Winner: Sarah Haskell - "Not Just For Cats"

Not Just For Cats by Sarah Haskell
Not Just For Cats by Sarah Haskell - Sarah Haskell/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

Cat Category Winner: Kenichi Morinaga - "Cat in a trap like Super Mario"

Cat in a trap like Super Mario by Kenichi Morinaga
Cat in a trap like Super Mario by Kenichi Morinaga - Kenichi Morinaga/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

Horse Category Winner: Debby Thomas - "I think I saw a mouse!"

I think I saw a mouse by Debby Thomas
I think I saw a mouse by Debby Thomas - Debby Thomas/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

People’s Choice Award Winner: Kazutoshi Ono - "Tarzan"

Tarzan by Kazutoshi Ono
Tarzan by Kazutoshi Ono - Kazutoshi Ono/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

All Other Creatures Category Winner: Jonathan Casey - "The New Rose"

New Rose by Jonathan Casey
New Rose by Jonathan Casey - JonathanCaseyPhotography/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

Pets Who Look Most Like Their Owner’s Category Winner: Darya Zelentsova - "The Proud Pup and his best friend"

The Proud Pup and his best friend by Darya Zelentsova
The Proud Pup and his best friend by Darya Zelentsova - Darya Zelentsova/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

Junior Category Winner: Charlotte Kitchen (who was 16 when she entered the competition) - "Tired Donkey"

Tired Donkey by Charlotte Kitchen
Tired Donkey by Charlotte Kitchen - Charlotte Kitchen/Comedy Pet Awards 2024

For more pics of the finalists, click here.