Community tidy-up finds syringes and knife

A community has joined together to help clear wrappers, broken glass, and drug paraphernalia from a residential area.

About 20 people helped to collect 31 bags of litter from Century Square in Millfield, Peterborough as part of a wider initiative.

Cambridgeshire Police said the litter pick was part of the Safer Streets scheme and Alliance, which is a scheme that aims to tackle neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour.

Following the clean-up the charity Community First said it hoped to develop part of the open space into something "which would be beneficial to the residents".

The litter consisted of mainly food and drink wrappers, broken glass, and drugs paraphernalia such as needles and syringes.

Other items included computer monitors, metal bars, broom handles and a knife found in undergrowth.

Amanda Large, Safer Streets community resilience officer, said: "It was great to see so many people join us and give up their time to support this community event; everyone’s efforts were really appreciated.

"This litter pick was one of many things we have been doing as part of the Safer Streets initiative and Alliance to tackle neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour."

Mohammed Saeed, chairman of Community First Peterborough, added: "Working with housing associations who have the community at heart is much needed.

"There is an opportunity to develop some space into something which will be beneficial to the residents and all partners involved in the Alliance project, so I shall very much look forward to working with them on this.”

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