Conservative Pundit Hits Trump's GOP Rivals With Stark Prediction

Don’t expect the majority of Donald Trump’s Republican 2024 rivals to start seriously attacking the former president anytime soon, said conservative CNN commentator S.E. Cupp.

On Monday’s broadcast of “The Lead,” Cupp acknowledged that former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchison and former Rep. Will Hurd (Texas) had blasted Trump ― but others in the GOP field have only offered veiled criticism of the former president.

“The problem is for these people to implicate Trump means they also have to implicate his voters,” explained Cupp. “None are willing to say, ‘Listen, white nationalists, Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, we don’t want you. The Republican Party is not your safe space. You will not find comfort in a Nikki Haley administration.’”

“They won’t say that because they all still want to win and they all still think they’re going to get Trump voters if they don’t swing at Trump more vigorously,” she added.

Then came the reality check:

“They are not going to win the cult of Trump over. It’s just not going to happen. There’s only one of him for a reason.”

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