Controversial guru’s representative says meant no disrespect to India after complaining of ‘persecution’

Accused godman Nithyananda, who once had thousands of followers that included film stars and politicians in India and abroad, was arrested in 2010 over a sex scandal (AFP via Getty Images)
Accused godman Nithyananda, who once had thousands of followers that included film stars and politicians in India and abroad, was arrested in 2010 over a sex scandal (AFP via Getty Images)

The representative of Nithyananda Swami said on Thursday that the controversial godman was being “persecuted by anti-Hindu elements” in his birth place India but held the country in “high regard”.

"I would like to clarify that I stated that the SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam is persecuted in his birthplace by certain anti-Hindu elements. The United States of Kailasa holds India in high regard and respects India as its Gurupeedam," Vijayapriya Nithyananda said in a statement on Thursday.

Ms Nithyananda first appeared on the international stage dressed in saffron robes and heavy jewellery as the representative of the United States of Kailasa (USK) and set the internet buzzing. Kailasa is an island nation off South America that Nithyananda claims to have founded for Hindus when he fled India in 2019 after being accused of rape.

She attended a discussion conducted by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights last week in Geneva, where she said that the godman was being harassed and persecuted. She later clarified that the self-proclaimed nation of Kailasa holds India in “high regard”.

In 2019, the fugitive Hindu religious guru claimed he founded the new country after buying an island off the coast of Ecuador. Kailasa is named after Mount Kailash in Tibet, considered sacred by Hindus.

The Twitter handle for USK called for applications for e-visa for e-citizenship on Thursday. USK claims to have a flag, a constitution, an economic system, a passport, and an emblem.

On the “official” website of USK, Kailasa is described as the “greatest Hindu nation on earth”.

It states that “the nation of Kailasa is dedicated to the restoration, preservation and propagation of authentic Hindu culture and civilisation after centuries of oppression and subjugation”.

It calls itself the “home and refuge for the international Hindu diaspora”.

During the UN discussion, Ms Nithyananda said: “Kailasa has been implementing the ancient Hindu policies and indigenous solutions that are in alignment with the time-tested Hindu principles for sustainable development.”

However, the accused godman Nithyananda, who once had thousands of followers that included film stars and politicians in India and abroad, was arrested in 2010 over a sex scandal. He was later charged with rape and abduction, according to reports.