COP27 summit latest LIVE: Rishi Sunak tells world leaders in Sharm El-Sheikh: ‘We can deliver on 1.5C limit pledge’

Rishi Sunak has addressed world leaders at the COP27 climate change summit in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.

The Prime Minister began his national statement by referring to the late Queen, as he said he believes the world can deliver on its climate promises.

He told the conference hall: “When Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II addressed COP27last year, she reflected how history has show that when nations come together in common cause, there is always room for hope.

“I believe we found room for hope in Glasgow.

“With one last chance to create a plan that would limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees, we made the promises to keep that goal within reach.

“And the question today is this: Can we summon the collective will to deliver them?

“I believe we can.”

The Prime Minister was attending the conference following what opponents called a “screeching U-turn”, having planned to stay home to work on domestic financial issues.

Mr Sunak’s attendance at the gathering in the Red Sea resort alongside leaders such as US President Joe Biden and French President Emmanuel Macron, marks his first outing on the international stage since becoming Prime Minister last month.

At the start of the conference, UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres warned world is “on the highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator”.

Good evening and thank you for following the Evening Standard’s coverage of Cop27

19:18 , Barney Davis

Our coverage of Cop27 will now end until tomorrow morning. We will leave you with the quotes of the day:

“We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator” – UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres to leaders gathered for the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt.

“Oh, it’s great that the former prime minister is here. I think it says something great about the UK that not only have we got the current Prime Minister here, we’ve got a former prime minister here. It just demonstrates our leadership on this issue globally” – Prime Minister Rishi Sunak on Boris Johnson also being at the Cop27 event.

“Just because we are in drought doesn’t mean we won’t get floods. When the soils are really dry, you get more runoff and can have more impacts as a result of the drought from a flood perspective” – Caroline Douglass, the Environment Agency’s executive director for flood and coastal risk management.

Rishi Sunak has raised the case of a jailed British-Egyptian pro-democracy activist with the Egyptian president, according to Downing Street.

19:04 , Barney Davis

Rishi Sunak has raised the case of a jailed British-Egyptian pro-democracy activist with the Egyptian president, according to Downing Street.

A spokeswoman said: “The Prime Minister met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi at Cop27 in Sharm El-Sheikh today.

“The Prime Minister was pleased to have been able to travel to Egypt for the summit and thanked President Sisi for his country’s leadership in hosting this important event.

“The leaders discussed opportunities for the UK and Egypt to collaborate further on the transition to renewables, including in developing green hydrogen and mobilising private investment.

“The Prime Minister raised the case of Alaa Abd el-Fattah, stressing the UK Government’s deep concern on this issue. The Prime Minister said he hoped to see this resolved as soon as possible and would continue to press for progress.”

Sunak says ‘still room for hope’ as he ends Cop27 speech

18:35 , Barney Davis

Rishi Sunak concluded his national statement at the Sharm El-Sheikh summit by saying “there is room for hope” in the fight against climate change.

The Prime Minister said: “By honouring the promises we made in Glasgow and by directing public and private finance towards the protection of our planet, we can turn our struggle against climate change into a global mission for new jobs and clean growth.

“And we can bequeath our children a greener planet and a more prosperous future.

“That’s a legacy we could be proud of.

“So as we come together once again in common cause today, there really is room for hope.

“Together, let us fulfil it.”

Rishi Sunak: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine a reason ‘to act faster' on climate change

18:28 , Barney Davis

The Prime Minister told the UN climate conference in Sharm El-Sheikh: “Climate security goes hand in hand with energy security.

“Putin’s abhorrent war in Ukraine and rising energy prices across the world are not a reason to go slow on climate change. “They are a reason to act faster.

“Because diversifying our energy supplies by investing in renewables is precisely the way to insure ourselves against the risks of energy dependency.

“It’s also a fantastic source of new jobs and growth.” He added:

“So instead of developing countries being unfairly burdened with the carbon debt of richer nations and somehow expected to forgo that same path to growth, we are helping those countries deliver their own fast track to clean growth.”

Just Stop Oil warn M25 users to avoid roads

18:17 , Barney Davis

Eco-warriors Just Stop Oil have warned drivers to avoid the M25 ahead of more planned actions this week.

Global Justice slam Rishi Sunak’s ‘tepid’ Cop27 speech

18:14 , Barney Davis

Social justice campaign group Global Justice have slammed Rishi Sunak’s address to Cop26 saying his funding promises were “underwhelming”.

They said: “Rishi Sunak’s tepid words today have failed to address the scale of the climate emergency. His underwhelming funding pledge falls a long way short of the UK’s fair share of climate finance. The UK needs to start taking the escalating cost of climate disasters in lower-income countries seriously - and introduce a polluter’s tax on the fossil fuel industry to pay for it.

“Rich countries taking responsibility for their role in causing the climate crisis is key to unlocking the global emissions reductions that can solve it. The Prime Minister must recognise that the UK owes the countries facing the first and worst impacts of climate change a heavy debt. Otherwise, it will be yet more bluster and no action.”

Rishi Sunak said UK is tripling funding to help nations adapt to the impacts of climate change

18:10 , Barney Davis

In his national address at Cop27, the Prime Minister said: “I know that for many, finances are tough right now.

“The pandemic all but broke the global economy and before coming here today, I spent last week working on the difficult decisions needed to ensure confidence and economic stability in my own country.

“But I can tell you today that the United Kingdom is delivering on our commitment of £11.6 billion.

“And as part of this we will now triple our funding on adaptation to £1.5 billion by 2025.”

He added that it is “morally right to honour our promises” when faced with extreme events such as devastating flooding in Pakistan.

Rishi Sunak pays tribute to the Queen in Cop27 speech

18:05 , Barney Davis

Rishi Sunak began his national statement at the Cop27 climate summit by referring to the late Queen, as he said he believes the world can deliver on its climate promises.

The Prime Minister told the conference hall: “When Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II addressed Cop26 last year, she reflected how history has show that when nations come together in common cause, there is always room for hope.

“I believe we found room for hope in Glasgow.

“With one last chance to create a plan that would limit global temperature rises to 1.5 degrees, we made the promises to keep that goal within reach.

“And the question today is this: Can we summon the collective will to deliver them?

“I believe we can.”

Rishi Sunak says UK first to commit to Net Zero at Cop 27 speech

18:02 , Barney Davis

Rishi Sunak pointed out that the UK was the first economy in the world to commit to reach net zero, and said “there is no solution to climate change without protecting and supporting nature”.

Sunak alluded to the difficult economic conditions which are being used by some as an excuse to delay climate action. He said “the pandemic almost broke the global economy” and that he is fighting for economic stability in the UK.

He said he believed in climate action because “I profoundly believe it is the right thing to do”.


IMF chief says $75/ton carbon price needed by 2030

17:31 , Barney Davis

The price of carbon needs to average at least $75 a ton globally by the end of the decade for global climate goals to succeed, the head of the International Monetary Fund told Reuters.

Speaking on the sidelines of the COP27 climate talks in the Egyptian coastal resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said the pace of change in the real economy was still “way too slow”.

Recent analysis by the World Bank-affiliated group suggests the sum total of global national commitments on reducing climate-damaging emissions would see them fall just 11% by mid-century.

“Unless we price carbon predictably on a trajectory that gets us at least to [a] $75 average price per ton of carbon in 2030, we simply don’t create the incentive for businesses and consumers to shift,” she said.

Former minister: No change in direction on climate under Sunak

17:25 , Barney Davis

Former environment secretary George Eustice said he does not believe there will be a “change in direction” on the environment under a Rishi Sunak administration.

Mr Eustice told BBC Radio 4’s PM programme: “I don’t see there being any major change in direction on the environment, but obviously what we all recognise is with pressures on the economy, lots of economic challenges globally and pressures on the cost of living at home, that is going to take up a greater share of Rishi Sunak’s time.”

He said that was understandable, but added: “The most important thing is that I want to see that important work that we started on the environment continue and what I’m hearing is that he is going to do that.”

We're on a highway to climate hell, U.N. boss says

17:07 , Barney Davis

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres told countries gathered at the start of the COP27 summit in Egypt on Monday they face a stark choice: work together now to cut emissions or condemn future generations to climate catastrophe.

“Humanity has a choice: cooperate or perish,” Guterres told delegates gathered in the seaside resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

He called for a pact between the world’s richest and poorest countries to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels and funding to ensure poorer countries can reduce emissions and cope with the climate impacts that have already occurred.

“The two largest economies – the United States and China – have a particular responsibility to join efforts to make this pact a reality,” he said.


Rishi Sunak wants to build on ‘moment of great hope’ for world’s forests at Cop27

16:02 , Barney Davis

Rishi Sunak has said the launch of a new partnership to conserve the world’s forests at Cop27 marked a “moment of great hope”.

The Prime Minister was addressing a forest and climate leaders’ event at the UN gathering in Egypt aimed at building on the commitment made by over 140 countries at last year’s Cop26 summit in Glasgow to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation.

Mr Sunak said the partnership “is going to make nature and protecting nature a permanent feature of these Cop meetings and ensure that historical Glasgow promise is delivered.

“This is a moment of great hope for the world’s forests.

“So let’s build on what we have achieved and together let’s secure this wondrous legacy for our children and many generations to come.”

Sunak: UK remains committed to climate fund

15:18 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak said the UK remains committed to delivering the climate fund.

Asked if he is sticking by what was set out before, the Prime Minister told broadcasters in Egypt: "Yeah, we remain committed to the £11.6 billion that we announced last year for international climate finance.

“And actually today... we're seeing the benefit that that can bring to countries around the world, as we help countries like Kenya, for example, transition to net zero.

“But actually it's also bringing exciting opportunities for British companies. It's involving the private sector, which is the right thing to do, but also helping those countries transition to a cleaner future, creating jobs in the process."

On the timeframe, he said: "The plan was to do this over five years - now the exact pace of this always is dependent on the projects being ready at the right time, but we remain committed to those plans, I'm making that commitment again in my statement later today."

Macron and Sunak embrace at COP27 meeting

14:52 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak and French president Emmanuel Macron embraced as they met at the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt.

"Very nice to see you," Mr Sunak told Mr Macron during their first face-to-face meeting since he entered No 10.

"Lots for us to talk about, right?" he added.

The pair are expected to discuss tackling small-boat crossings in the Channel as the number of arrivals on UK shores continues to grow.

The two sides are apparently closing in on another deal aimed at preventing migrants from risking the crossing.


‘Heticness’ at top of Government stopped them helping my brother’, says activist’s sister

14:02 , Josh Salisbury

The sister of a detained British-Egyptian activist who is going on hunger and water strike during COP27 has said "hecticness" in UK politics hindered work on her brother's case.

Sanaa Seif said it appeared the Government "realised the urgency" of Alaa Abd El-Fattah's situation "all of a sudden" when he stopped drinking water as part of his ongoing hunger strike.

Asked if she believes the British authorities have not done all they can to ensure her brother has the representation he is due, Ms Seif told BBC Radio 4's World at One programme: "Yeah."

She added: "I strongly feel that the hecticness that was happening in the Government and the change of government was ... in a sense, it was a genuine excuse but also it made, like, the civil servants and the diplomats working, and the Foreign Office, have an excuse. And so they weren't really working hard.

"I felt all of a sudden when Alaa stopped water that we were suddenly getting these calls, phone calls, we were getting the letter from the Prime Minister. So, it feels like they realised the urgency all of a sudden. We've been warning them that this is coming."

Sunak welcomed as ‘great friend of Israel’ by country’s president at COP27 meeting

13:39 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak was welcomed by Israeli President Isaac Herzog as a "great friend of Israel" as the pair met on the margins of the Cop27 climate conference in Egypt.

Mr Herzog, who holds a largely ceremonial role, thanked the Prime Minister for taking the time to meet, saying: "We know you're busy. You have huge challenges. We wish you great success."

Mr Sunak then described Israel as one of the UK's closest allies and said he looked forward to discussing "economic co-operation, security co-operation and climate change".

Mr Sunak earlier took to Twitter to congratulate Israel's former premier Benjamin Netanyahu on his victory in national elections - the country's fifth since 2019 - with the backing of a far-right ultranationalist party.

UK climate funding to triple in 2025

13:03 , Miriam Burrell

Downing Street insisted the UK was already helping countries deal with the impact of climate change.

Leaders of industrialised nations faced calls to pay reparations for the environmental damage inflicted on the planet.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We are already helping countries across the world deal with the impacts of climate change.”

The UK is tripling funding for climate adaptation from £500 million to £1.5 billion in 2025, the spokesman said, while Rishi Sunak was confirming £65 million for the Nature, People and Climate Investment Fund, which supports forest communities.

Al Gore pushes for renewable energy solutions

12:59 , Miriam Burrell

Former US vice president and climate activist Al Gore urged world leaders to invest in renewable energy at the opening ceremony of Cop27.

“Dollar for dollar, each dollar spent in renewable energy creates three times as many jobs as dollars spent in fossil energy.”

He warned that would not be enough to boost clean energy if countries continued to develop fossil fuel resources, including a “dash for gas” in Africa that would supply energy to wealthy countries.

“We need to obey the first rule of holes: when you’re in one, stop digging. We have to stop making this crisis worse,” he urged.

Al Gore (Getty Images)
Al Gore (Getty Images)

Sunak to press Macron on Channel crossings

12:24 , Miriam Burrell

Rishi Sunak will reportedly press Emmanuel Macron for a new deal to curb Channel crossings when the pair meet for the first time at Cop27.

The Prime Minister and the French President are expected to discuss the migrant crisis on Monday.

Mr Sunak wants to agree targets for stopping boats, and a minimum number of French officers patrolling beaches. The Government also hopes Border Force officers can be deployed to France, according to The Times.

Emmanuel Macron at Cop27 (AFP via Getty Images)
Emmanuel Macron at Cop27 (AFP via Getty Images)

Rishi Sunak and Kenya’s PM William Ruto share congratulations ahead of meeting

11:28 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak and Kenya's president William Ruto congratulated each other on recently taking office as they met at the Sharm El-Sheikh UN climate summit.

The pair smiled and shook hands at the start of their bilateral meeting.

Mr Ruto, who won Kenya's August presidential elections, has said climate would be key to his government's agenda and that he would take a leading role in negotiating the delivery of finance and technology to Africa to support nations dealing with the impacts of climate change.

Today’s conflicts linked to climate breakdown, says UN chief

11:16 , Josh Salisbury

Many of today's conflicts are linked with growing climate chaos, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has said, pointing to the war in Ukraine as exposing the "profound risks of our fossil fuel addiction".

"Today's crises cannot be an excuse for backsliding or greenwashing. If anything, they are a reason for greater urgency, stronger action and effective accountability," he said.

He called on G20 countries to accelerate the transition to net zero emissions in this decade, telling developed countries they must take the lead, but emerging economies were also critical to bending the emissions curve.

Mr Guterres called for a pact between developed and developing countries, in which all nations make an extra effort to reduce emissions, richer countries provide financial assistance to help emerging economies speed their own renewable transition, and to end dependence on fossil fuels.

The United States and China had a particular responsibility to join efforts to make the pact a reality, he said.

“Humanity has a choice: co-operate or perish. It is either a climate solidarity pact - or a collective suicide pact."

UN chief: ‘We’re on highway to climate hell with foot on accelerator’

11:09 , Josh Salisbury

The UN’s top official has issued an apocalyptic warning to world leaders at a global warming summit in Egypt today: “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator”.

The United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres told the COP27 gathering in the Red Sea resort of Sharm El Sheikh that the world was in the “fight of our lives and we are losing”.

Seeking to spark far more urgent action from many nations in the battle against climate change, he stressed: “Greenhouse gas emissions keep growing.

“Global temperatures keep rising. And our planet is fast approaching tipping points that will make climate chaos irreversible.

“We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.”

Mr Guterres called for a pact between the world’s richest and poorest countries to accelerate the transition from fossil fuels and speed up delivery of the funding needed to ensure poorer countries can reduce emissions and cope with the unavoidable impacts of warming that has already occurred.

“The two largest economies – the United States and China – have a particular responsibility to join efforts to make this pact a reality,” he added.

Swedish PM writes down contact details for Rishi Sunak

11:05 , Josh Salisbury

Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson, writes down his contact details for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during COP27.

Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson (right), writes down his contact details for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during the Cop27 summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PA)
Prime Minister of Sweden, Ulf Kristersson (right), writes down his contact details for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak during the Cop27 summit at Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. (PA)

Starmer hits out at Sunak over initial decision not to attend COP27

10:57 , Josh Salisbury

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has criticised Rishi Sunak over his initial decision not to attend COP27.

Speaking to reporters during a visit to Imperial College London, he said: "The first difference a Labour government would make is that you would have a prime minister who wanted to go to COP because we realise just how important it is, because we realise that is not just about climate, it is also about the cost of living, it is about energy, it is about the next generation of jobs.

"You would have a prime minister, a Labour prime minister, on the world stage, pulling leaders together.

“I think Rishi Sunak made a big mistake in saying initially he wouldn't go, because it gave the impression that the UK no longer wants to be leading on the global stage.

“I think that is a mistake for our country, it is a mistake globally and I think it is a mistake for the climate crisis, which we have got to handle."

Boris Johnson issues veiled criticism of Tories over fracking at COP27

10:15 , Josh Salisbury

Boris Johnson has warned the fight against climate change had become a "collateral victim" of Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine, with countries questioning the goal of cutting emissions at a time of soaring energy prices.

In a swipe at Tories - including successor Liz Truss - he warned against calls to revive fracking in the UK. Ms Truss had planned to lift the ban on fracking in England but Rishi Sunak reinstated it.

"There are people who have drawn the conclusion that the whole project of net zero needs to be delayed, mothballed and put on ice - for instance we need to reopen coal-fired power stations and frack the hell out of the British countryside," he told a COP27 fringe event hosted by the New York Times.

The former prime minister said the summit in Egypt was a time to "tackle this nonsense head on".

“Yes, of course, we do need to use hydrocarbons in the transitional period and, yes, in the UK there is more that we can do with our own domestic resources," he said.

“However, this is not the moment to abandon the campaign for net zero, this is not the moment to turn our backs on renewable technology."

Sunak meets with Italy’s new far-right PM at COP27

09:43 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak has met with Italy's new far-right Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni at the Cop27 climate summit in Egypt. The pair chatted about house building and planning while journalists were in the room at the start of the bilateral meeting.

The Prime Minister and Ms Meloni, Italy's first woman premier, took office within days of each other last month.

Ms Meloni's Brothers of Italy party leads the country's first far-right-led government since the Second World War.

‘We need energy mix’, says Shapps over North Sea oil and gas licensing

09:31 , Josh Salisbury

Asked if the Prime Minister is still in favour of a further North Sea licensing round in 2024, Business Secretary Grant Shapps said: “We do know that given what Putin's done in Ukraine that energy security's really, really important - we want to diversify our energy mix."

He told BBC Radio 4's Today Programme: “And in a world where we're having to import now not from Russia but from elsewhere things like LNG, so that's liquid gas, and because of the transportation, what have you, that has a higher CO2 content, then sometimes getting our supplies domestically, so we need that mix.

“We've got over 40% renewable and nuclear now."

Boris Johnson: ‘I’m the spirit of Glasgow COP26'

09:23 , Josh Salisbury

Boris Johnson is speaking at an event hosted by the New York Times which began in the past half-an-hour.

The former Prime Minister began by introducing himself as the “spirit of Glasgow COP26.”

He said: “It’s incredible to think how much has changed since that last COP, and to be frank, how much damage has been done in just one year to our great common purpose of tackling manmade climate change.

“We defied some of the gloomier media expectations, we showed what we could do when humanity worked for an agreement, and thanks to the wisdom of the delegations ... we got some unexpectedly sizeable, nationally determined contributions.”

Government ‘supportive of discussions’ around payments to poorer countries for climate change damage

09:12 , Josh Salisbury

Business Secretary Grant Shapps said the Government is "supportive of discussions" going on at the Cop27 climate summit about loss and damage payments.

Asked if the Government is accepting the principle of loss and damage payments to poorer countries disproportionally affected by climate change, he said: “We're accepting the principle there's a discussion to be had about this, and actually, in a sense, that's been accepted all along.

“Today for example, the Prime Minister's announcing over £65 million of assistance to developing countries to be able to produce energy in a sustainable way, there's been a tacit acceptance.

“We industrialised first and we appreciate the rest of the world needs to be able to bring themselves along as well."

Asked if the payments could therefore happen, he added: "There is a big international discussion going on, that's one of the things happening at Cop27 in Egypt and we're supportive of discussions going on, that's the British position.”

World has ‘small window’ to keep to 1.5C, warns climate scientist

08:56 , Josh Salisbury

The world has a “really, really small window" to keep to the target of limiting global warming to 1.5C, a climate scientist has said ahead of COP27.

Professor Hannah Cloke told BBC Radio 4's Today Programme: “The time we have to change the course is getting shorter and shorter and shorter and there just feels like a lot of talking and no action, and as a climate scientist it is just awful, it's really, really frustrating.

“People say to scientists like me coming on your programme: stick to the facts don't frighten people, don't give your opinion - but us scientists, we've been doing that for 30 years now with increasing alarm and we just don't have this widespread action that's needed."

On whether the 1.5C target for the increase in global temperatures is still alive or "way off", she said: "We are so close to being way off, so we have this really, really small window to keep to that.

“I think most climate scientists are incredibly worried that we are not going to make it.

“To be honest it is a little bit arbitrary because every tenth of a degree that we can stop means less terrible things happening in the future, so it's a good target to have a target because it means we can take action and put our money into technology, into changing our way of living, into cutting emissions.

“What we really should focus on, the more action we take right now, the less worse things will be in the future and that means less bad floods, less bad droughts, less bad storms at the coast."

Sunak: ‘We must honour promises of Glasgow and COP26'

08:35 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak has said the world must "deliver on the legacy" of last year's Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow as he started a packed day at the latest round of UN talks in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt.

The Prime Minister tweeted: "Today I will join leaders from across the world at (Cop27).

“For our children and grandchildren, we must deliver on the legacy of Glasgow and protect the future of the planet."

Sunak meets with EU president for COP27 talks

08:30 , Josh Salisbury

Rishi Sunak has met with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for talks at the UN Cop27 climate summit in Egypt.

The one-on-one meeting comes amid ongoing tensions with the bloc over the implementation of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

As well as tackling climate change, the Ukraine war and energy crisis are also likely to feature in the two leaders' talks.

The pair smiled and thanked the media at the start of the meeting. It is the new Prime Minister's first outing on the international stage since entering No 10 a fortnight ago.

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Jailed British-Egyptian activist begins ‘water strike’ as COP27 begins

08:25 , Josh Salisbury

A jailed British-Egyptian activist on hunger strike has now stopped drinking water to coincide with the start of COP27, his sister has said.

Alaa Abd El-Fattah, a writer and democracy activist, has been imprisoned for much of the past decade and has been on a partial hunger strike for six months in a bid to be granted UK consular access.

According to family, the activist also began a water strike around 10am local time Sunday ahead of the conference beginning in Sharm el-Sheikh.

Mr Fattah, a key figure in the 2011 Arab Spring protests, is currently serving a five-year term on charges of spreading false news.

His sister, Sanaa Seif, has spoken of her fears that her brother could die before the end of the COP27 summit. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has pledged to raise his case at the international gathering in Egypt.

Sturgeon: Rich countries have obligation to help poorer countries fight climate change

08:03 , Josh Salisbury

In additional comments during her broadcast round, Nicola Sturgeon said there is an obligation on richer countries that have largely caused climate change to help those suffering the impact of it.

She told the BBC: “I think this Cop is an opportunity for the global north and the global south to come together and have a proper, grown-up conversation about how we make progress.

“We've got to mitigate climate change, we've got to help countries adapt to the impacts of climate change, but as we've seen over the past year, not least in Pakistan, there are many parts of the world that are suffering loss and damage now that is irreversible and can't be mitigated against.

“There is an obligation in the spirit of solidarity for the richer countries that have largely caused climate change to now make a big effort to help those dealing with the impacts address that."

Sturgeon: COP27 must implement pledges made at Glasgow

07:43 , Josh Salisbury

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said it is important that COP27 builds on COP26, which took place in Glasgow last year.

Speaking from Cop27 in Egypt, she told BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme: "I think Glasgow was a success, we didn't get everything that had been hoped for going into Glasgow but I think the feeling coming out of COP26 was that it was a good foundation to build on.

"It will only count if it is implemented, the commitments around keeping 1.5 degrees alive, the commitments around climate finance, mitigation, adaptation, crucially loss and damage, that now has to be implemented and this COP here in Egypt is all about implementation.

"So, what happens here over the next couple of weeks is absolutely crucial now to our chances of keeping 1.5 alive and, to be blunt about it, saving the planet for generations to come."

Sunak can attend COP27 because of ‘vast amount of work’ done on budget - Shapps

07:38 , Josh Salisbury

Good morning and welcome to our coverage of all the developments of the opening day of the COP27 conference.

Business Secretary Grant Shapps said this morning Rishi Sunak is able to attend COP27 because of the “vast amount" of work that has been completed on the forthcoming autumn budget.

He told Sky News: "I think the Chancellor is still working very hard on it and I know that I've been working with the PM, the Chancellor ... on the business, the climate, the energy aspects of that.

"I think the vast amount of work's been done and so (Mr Sunak) felt it was appropriate to leave the country. But as ever ... his first priority is to make sure that, particularly with that rather choppy period that we've been through, that things are stabilised here."