When is Cop28 and what does it stand for?

When is Cop28 and what does it stand for?

Cop28, one of the world’s most important climate change events, is being held in the UAE.

Many global leaders have confirmed their attendance at the event.

Today (December 1), King Charles III has delivered a speech III, saying the “hope of the world” rests on climate talks taking place in the coming two weeks in Dubai.

Addressing the United Nations Cop28 conference in Dubai on Friday, the King urged us all to learn from the “indigenous world” and remember humankind is only part of the “sacred system” of nature.

He said: “We need to remember that the indigenous worldview teaches us that we are all connected.

“Not only as human beings, but with all living things and all that sustains life. As part of this grand and sacred system, harmony with Nature must be maintained. The Earth does not belong to us, we belong to the Earth.”

He also said that despite some progress, “transformational action” was needed as the dangers of climate change are “no longer distant risks”.

So when is Cop28 and what else will be discussed at the event?

When and where is Cop28?

The 28th annual UN climate change conference will be held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai, UAE.

The conference will include talks and interactive sessions about the future of climate action. It will also feature talks from political, environmental and scientific leaders.

What does Cop28 stand for?

COP 28 stands for the 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UNFCCC. The "parties" are the countries that signed up to the original UN climate agreement in 1992.

Who will be attending Cop28?

Several major world leaders will attend Cop28, as will leading scientists, journalists, and members of the public.

From the UK, King Charles, Mr Sunak, and Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf have confirmed their attendance.

Environmentally minded celebrities have also attended the conference in previous years, with the sustainable designer Stella McCartney and American actor Leonardo DiCaprio appearing at Cop27.

Cop28 speakers

King Charles III was at the start of November confirmed as a speaker at the event.

Multiple other speakers and panellists will be present as part of the innovation zone at the conference.

Marvin Reeves, the Mayor of Bristol, and the Conservative MP for Kingswood, Chris Skidmore, will be among the British delegates present.

What is Sultan Al Jaber’s plan of action?

Mr Al Jaber outlined his long-awaited strategy at a meeting in Brussels earlier this year.

The plan covered all the main aspects of climate action. It focused on the four Fs: fast-tracking the transition to a low-CO2 world; fixing climate finance; focusing on people's lives and livelihoods; and full inclusivity.

Harjeet Singh, of the Climate Action Network, said: “It sends the right signals about the key elements required for a successful climate summit. The devil will be in the details.”

He was particularly keen to highlight the need to keep global temperature rises to well below 1.5C. He also wants countries worldwide to publish plans to meet this goal.

Mr Singh has also emphasised the need to “phase down” the world’s current reliance on fossil fuels.

Mr Al Jaber has said he believes fossil fuel executives should be prominent at Cop28. He is eager to formulate a plan with the world’s biggest oil and gas producers — both nationally and privately owned — to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in line with 1.5C.

Mr Al Jaber is also calling for a “comprehensive transformation” of the World Bank and other international finance institutions. He has called for private-sector funding to help less developed countries hardest hit by climate change.

He wants to ensure that a longstanding commitment by rich countries to provide $100 billion (£79bn) a year to poor nations — which was supposed to be met in 2020 but has not yet been achieved — is finally delivered.

What is Cop28's theme and agenda?

The main objective of Cop every year is to review and assess the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) terms, the Paris Agreement, and the Kyoto Protocol. The latter is a binding treaty agreed in 1997 for industrialised nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

At Cop28, member states negotiate while also facing their first Global Stocktake (GST). This refers to a scorecard that analyses countries’ progress towards the Paris Agreement, with the goal of sparking actionable objectives for climate action plans due in 2025.

Additionally, Cop28 will focus on four themes:

  1. Fast-tracking the energy transition: a focus on renewable energy, as well as food and agricultural systems.

  2. Climate finance solutions: aims to prioritise the Global South in adaptation finance and help vulnerable communities rebuild after climate disasters.

  3. Nature, people, lives, and livelihoods: geared towards food systems, nature-based solutions, and protecting against extreme weather events and biodiversity loss.

  4. Inclusivity in climate management: a focus on youth involvement and improved communication between different sectors and agencies.

Why is Cop28 significant?

In a year plagued by extreme weather worldwide — with devastating floods, droughts, and other unusual conditions affecting places such as Kenya, California, and here in the UK (to name but a few) — the need to find effective climate solutions has never been greater.

Scientists have confirmed that 2023 is the hottest year on record, making the UN conference even more significant.

However, some climate activists have levelled criticism at previous Cop summits for not inspiring action.

Two years ago, for example, Sweden's Greta Thunberg described the summit as "blah blah blah".