Coronation Street: Cassie takes action against Terry

Episode 11,160 — 11,161 | Airs Wednesday 10 January 2024 at 20:00 on ITV1

Evelyn and Cassie show Roy a puppy for sale online, reckoning Terry is the unseen person holding it in the photo. Roy calls to make an inquiry and gets through to a woman called Joan, who gives Roy her address in the precinct.

Cassie calls, pretending she has bought a large delivery of dog food. Joan sends her away after divulging Terry's address.

Deciding to pay Terry a visit, Cassie climbs in through the downstairs window of a house into a room full of crates of puppies and a bag of cash nearby. As Terry enters with a baseball bat, he's distracted by a noise outside.

Cassie stuffs the cash into her pockets and is gathering up the puppies to make her escape when Terry enters the room and surveys the open cages. Will Cassie manage to rescue the puppies and get away from Terry?

Later, Craig calls at the cafe with news that Terry has been seriously assaulted after Evelyn was seen arguing with him outside his house. A guilty Cassie watches as Evelyn is getting into Craig's police car.

Meanwhile, as the Alahan twins plan their birthday bash, Asha is curious to receive a call from university. Asha tells Amy someone reported Isla for having an inappropriate interest in her and she's got a fair idea of who it was. Asha accuses Nina of reporting Isla out of jealousy. Were Asha's suspicions of Nina right?

In the cafe, Bobby meets Amy and asks Aadi if she's single. When Aadi tells Bobby she's off the market, Amy flies off the handle, saying she'll be giving his birthday a miss. Has Aadi ruined his chance with Amy?

Aadi finds a simmering Nina in Victoria Gardens and they swap accounts of their rows with Amy and Asha. When Aadi compliments Nina, they suddenly lean in for a kiss.

Elsewhere, Billy promises Paul he hasn't changed his mind but is unhappy about deceiving Bernie and Gemma. Changing the subject for Summer's benefit, they decide to matchmake Todd and Moses. Billy, Paul and Summer have Todd over for dinner. When Moses arrives on his final visit of the day, Paul invites him to join them.

Also today, as Damon finally answers Harvey's non-stop calls, he threatens to kill Harvey but kicks himself upon realising Sarah has overheard.

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