Coronation Street confirms Bobby's future after exit fears

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Coronation Street has confirmed Bobby Crawford's future following exit fears.

Bobby found himself on the outs with his aunt Carla Barlow a few weeks ago, after it was revealed that he'd given false evidence to the police in order to help Roy, who had been imprisoned following Lauren Bolton's disappearance.

After Roy admitted to police that Bobby was lying, Carla kicked her nephew out of the house – leading to questions over whether Bobby would stay in Weatherfield.

Bobby had an unexpected opportunity to prove himself to the Barlows in Monday's (June 10) episode on ITV and streaming service ITVX when he came to Ken Barlow's rescue.

bobby in coronation street

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Both men were attending Stu's birthday drinks when Bobby took the chance to apologise to Ken for wrongly casting suspicion on Daniel Osbourne with his police statement.

Bobby grew concerned as he noticed Ken was unsteady on his feet, with Ken soon deciding it was best to head home.

Still concerned for Ken, Bobby went to check on him by knocking at his front door, but nobody answered.

Bobby then peered through the letter box and noticed Ken slumped on the floor at the bottom of the stairs.

Bobby immediately called 999 and Ken was rushed to the hospital. By the time Ken's family got to Weatherfield General, the doctors had determined Ken had a mild concussion and a fractured pelvis.

bobby in coronation street

Carla warmly thanked Bobby for coming to Ken's rescue – and possibly saving his life. Bobby was delighted as Carla told him he would be welcome to stay at her home after all.

"You've got a big heart, Bobby, [to go along with] a big mouth," she joked.

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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