Coronation Street confirms new love interest for Max Turner

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Coronation Street producer Iain MacLeod has confirmed a new love interest for Max Turner.

Griff Reynolds and his extremist gang began grooming and brainwashing the teen with their vile ideals last year.

This week, Max will receive a six-month sentence after pleading guilty to supporting terrorism, and a group of boys are determined to make his stay inside a living nightmare.

Although Max has had a turbulent year and his comeuppance is well-deserved, MacLeod discussed his storyline during a recent appearance on Loose Women and told the panel that things would eventually start looking up for him.

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"He's going to get a happy ending in the end," he explained. "It's important that we showed a story where somebody who's gone that far down the wrong path, there is the chance to pull them back.

"The story at its heart was supposed to be about a family dealing with: 'How do you communicate with a teenager that's gone this far off-track? How do you bring them back into the fold? How do you redeem them?'"

"So yeah, there's a happy ending. It involves a love story. He meets this incredibly unlikely love interest and it's really funny."

max turner, coronation street

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The Corrie boss continued: "At the risk of making it sound like a tonal collision, we go from that really serious story that we've told and it evolves into a rom-com almost, over the course of the next 12 months.

"We wanted him to have a happy ending and it's interesting the reaction, there. He's done some awful stuff, but I do feel kind of sorry for him.

"I think he was groomed and he was led astray. I think that happens with a lot of teenagers out in the UK at the moment and it'd be a shame if we told a story where we just wrote them off, I suppose."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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