Coronation Street confirms Tim Metcalfe outcome after death fears

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street has confirmed Tim Metcalfe's fate after fears for his life.

Viewers were left on the edge of their seats last week when it was revealed that Tim was alive after being beaten and locked in the boot of his taxi by killer Stephen Reid.

With Stephen having since been killed by Peter Barlow, many residents of Weatherfield were left worrying whether or not the murderer had claimed Tim as a final victim.

coronation street tim metcalfe

In Monday's (October 16) episode, Tim managed to free himself from his shackles and pry his way out of the taxi boot. However, Tim was clearly worse for wear as he crawled toward the taxi's front door.

Back on the cobbles, Gail Platt sat with Sally and Elaine to promise her support over everything Stephen had done to them. Elaine admitted she wished she'd listened to Tim telling her not to trust Stephen.

"You split up with him, so somewhere inside your instinct was right," Gail reminded her.

Meanwhile, Tim managed to use the taxi's radio to send a message to Peter that he was alive but needed help. Unfortunately, the radio message wasn't clear enough to determine where Tim was.

Sally and Elaine were both relieved that Tim was alive while also being panicked that they had no idea where he was. Peter promised them the rescue search was already underway.

coronation street peter and carla after stephen reid exit

The two women begged for any information about DS Swain's team's search, but Swain swore them to secrecy because they didn't want any interference from amateur sleuths.

"You need to trust us," Craig implored.

Back out in the forest, Tim was finally found and rushed to the hospital for observation where he was ultimately able to reunite with Sally.

"We thought we'd lost you," a tearful Sally confessed.

Tim told her: "I won't lie. I did nearly give up at one point but it's [you] that kept me going. I thought of your beautiful face."

At the same time, Peter was back under questioning from DS Swain and it was becoming increasingly likely he could be charged with murder.

Will Tim be able to help clear Peter?

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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