Coronation Street: Daniel follows Ryan to a hotel

Episode 11,099 – 11,100 | Airs Wednesday 01 November 2023 at 20:00 on ITV1

Daisy lies to Daniel and tells him she's spending the night at her mum's. But when Jenny questions her about her plans, Daisy crumbles and admits she's spending the night with Ryan.

Daisy explains how she loves both Daniel and Ryan but in different ways and she doesn't know what to do. Jenny urges her to make up her mind before it's too late.

However, when Daniel clocks Ryan getting into Steve's taxi and asking for the Chariot Square Hotel, the game might be up.

With his suspicions growing after a phone call to Daisy's mum, Daniel follows Ryan. As Daisy and Ryan head to their room, Daisy comes to a decision and tells Ryan that this isn't going to work as it's Daniel she loves. But as Daniel arrives at the hotel, determined to find out the truth, has her decision come too late?

Meanwhile, Aadi reveals he has been offered a job shelf stacking at Freshco and by way of celebration, he has invited Asha and Nina over for afternoon tea. Courtney feigns enthusiasm. With Courtney a no-show and Asha running late, Aadi and Nina tuck in but they're taken aback by the arrival of Darren, who has news from Courtney.

Elsewhere, when the PI tells Stu she's had no luck finding any dirt on Dom, he insists she carry on digging, whatever the cost. Visiting Stu for tea, Eliza admits she was given detention for falling asleep in class having stayed up all night watching a horror movie. Stu's furious.

Also today, Dylan surveys his packed lunch with disdain. Sean explains that with no money coming in, it's all he can afford. At Sean's suggestion, Dylan goes for a job at The Kabin delivering newspapers.

Finally, Asha returns home from her paramedic course and tells Nina all about her day working with Isla and how much she admires her.

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