Coronation Street: Michael accuses Ed of arson

Episode 11,176 – 11,177 | Airs Monday 29 January 2024 at 20:00 on ITV1

At No.3, Craig arrives to take Ed in for questioning. When Michael asks Ed if he started the fire himself, he vehemently denies it but is Michael convinced?

Ed admits to DS Swain that he knocked over some white spirit by accident but he certainly didn't start the fire.

When Ed and Dee-Dee return home, Michael accuses Ed of burning down the yard so he could claim the insurance. Ed is devastated by his son's hatred for him.

Meanwhile, Steve is torn between spending time with Tommy Orpington and his daughter when Emma phones and invites him to spend the week in France. As Steve leaves for France in his taxi, he watches with envy as Tommy pulls up in his van outside No.1.

Kevin, Tim and Kirk head over and fawn over Tommy, hoping to drag him into the pub, but Tracy sends them packing. It's clear there's a spark between them.

Elsewhere, Simon wakes up with a hangover and realises that he spilt his beer over Nick's paperwork and quickly hides the evidence. As Nick searches for his papers, Simon makes out he hasn't seen them and offers to print them off for him.

Simon calls in the Bistro with the newly printed paperwork, Nick thanks him and urges Leanne to try and persuade Carla to give Simon his job back. Leanne appeals to Carla to give Simon another chance, pointing out how Peter's departure has left a big hole in his life and he needs direction.

Also today, Daniel finds Bethany engrossed in writing an article in the café but when he enquires what it's about, Bethany's evasive. Bethany calls her publisher, but she's disappointed when they make it clear they're not interested in her article.

Finally, in The Rovers, a dejected Moses tells Todd that he's moving to London to find another job.

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