Coronation Street previews Simon Barlow car crash drama in 34 spoiler pictures

simon barlow, coronation street
Corrie reveals Simon crash drama in 34 picturesITV

Next week on Coronation Street, Simon Barlow suffers a nasty accident while driving in Leanne Battersby's car.

Elsewhere, Tracy McDonald risks being caught cheating on her husband Steve, while Adam Barlow continues to do Harvey Gaskell's dirty work.

Our 34-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, February 5: Tommy visits the flower shop

Tracy has invited him to come along, using the excuse that he needs to give her his invoice for the decorating work.

tracy mcdonald, tommy orpington, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Tommy and Tracy have been sneaking around

They recently gave into temptation at Number 1.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Tracy wants to make the most of her time with Tommy

Steve is due to come home from France tomorrow.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Steve turns up unexpectedly

He's back a day early.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, steve mcdonald, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Steve is shocked to find Tommy and Tracy at the flower shop

Will he figure out what they've been up to?

tracy mcdonald, tommy orpington, steve mcdonald, coronation street

Monday, February 5: It's Sarah's birthday

She celebrates by moving Damon into her flat.

sarah barlow, adam barlow, damon, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Adam witnesses the moment

He's still jealous.

sarah barlow, damon, adam barlow, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Damon is unaware of Adam's scheming

Adam is secretly in cahoots with Harvey.

damon, adam barlow, sarah barlow, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Simon arrives for work hungover

Leanne and Nick are not impressed.

leanne battersby, simon barlow, nick tilsley, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Nick refuses to give special treatment

He sends Simon home.

leanne, simon barlow, nick tilsley, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Ed fills out insurance forms

He lists everything that was destroyed in the fire.

damon, ed bailey, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Damon encourages Ed to submit an inflated claim

Ed refuses to be dishonest.

ed bailey, damon, coronation street

Monday, February 5: Damon takes matters into his own hands

He tampers with the forms while Ed is busy at the bar.

damon, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Adam visits Weatherfield General

Harvey has told him that a man called John Perry is willing to take the blame for Natasha's murder, giving him grounds for an appeal.

john, adam barlow, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Adam is disgusted by Harvey's plan

He discovers that John is a cancer patient.

adam barlow, john, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Joel meets with a client at the Bistro

But his afternoon takes a surprising turn.

joel deering, emily, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Joel's meeting gets gatecrashed

A woman called Emily arrives and she seems to know Joel.

emily, joel deering, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Toyah watches on suspiciously

She wonders what Joel has to hide.

joel deering, toyah battersby, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Bobby throws a party

He hopes to cheer Simon up.

nina lucas, lauren, simon barlow bobby, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Lauren is on the guest list

Bobby's friends have realised that he fancies Lauren.

bobby, lauren, nina lucas, summer spellman, simon barlow, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Bethany asks Lauren for gossip on Daisy and Ryan

Lauren spills the details.

bethany platt, lauren, coronation street

Friday, February 9: Bethany is deceiving Lauren

She's secretly recording their conversation.

lauren, bethany platt, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon suffers a car accident

The incident takes place while he's taking Sam to his chess competition.

simon barlow, sam blakeman, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon exits the vehicle

The car belongs to Leanne.

simon barlow, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon surveys the damage

Some expensive repair work is on the cards.

simon barlow, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon gets Sam out of the car

Sam is shocked by the crash.

sam blakeman, simon barlow, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon is panicking

He plans a cover-up.

simon barlow, sam blakeman, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon shares his plan

He insists that they'll both have to run.

simon barlow, sam blakeman, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Simon wants to avoid trouble with the police

He was driving over the legal alcohol limit.

simon barlow, sam blakeman, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Bethany makes a confession

She tells Daniel that she has submitted an article about him, Daisy and Ryan to Chit Chat magazine.

daniel osbourne, bethany platt,coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Bethany admits that she was desperate

Daniel is annoyed.

bethany, daniel osbourne, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Sarah shares plans with Adam

She tells him that she's happy to sell the flat.

adam barlow, sarah barlow, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Sarah explains her reasons

She says that she wants to buy a house with a garden alongside Damon.

sarah barlow, adam barlow, coronation street

Sunday, February 11: Adam is unhappy

His jealousy rears its ugly head again.

sarah barlow, adam barlow, coronation street

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