Coronation Street previews Tracy and Tommy passion in 14 spoiler pictures

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street
Corrie teases Tracy and Tommy passion in 14 picsITV

Coming up on Coronation Street, Tommy Orpington and Tracy McDonald betray Steve while he's away visiting his daughter Emma Brooker in France.

Elsewhere, the truth about the builders' yard fire is revealed, and Bethany Platt seems to be hiding something from Daniel Osbourne.

Our 14-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, January 29: The Baileys row over the builders' yard fire

Ed is under suspicion after the incident.

dee dee bailey, ed bailey, michael bailey, coronation street

Monday, January 29: Ed is devastated by Michael's attitude

Michael bitterly accuses his father of starting the fire so that he could claim on the insurance.

ed bailey, coronation street

Monday, January 29: Steve prepares to take a trip

His daughter Emma has invited him to spend some time in France with her.

steve mcdonald, tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Monday, January 29: Steve is torn about going

Secretly, he wants to stay on the Street and spend time with his idol Tommy Orpington, who's decorating the house.

steve mcdonald, tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, tim metcalfe, coronation street

Monday, January 29: Steve reluctantly goes

Kevin, Tim and Kirk take the opportunity to fawn over Tommy.

coronation street

Monday, January 29: Bethany writes an article at the cafe

Daniel heads over and asks what it's about.

bethany platt, daniel osbourne, coronation street

Monday, January 29: Bethany is evasive over the article

What is she hiding?

bethany platt, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Tommy admits that he fancies Tracy

Sparks fly while Steve is away.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Tracy and Tommy kiss

They give into temptation.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Tommy and Tracy's passion sparks a new story

The pair will begin an affair.

tommy orpington, tracy mcdonald, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Bethany meets with Suki

Suki works at the Weatherfield Gazette.

bethany platt, suki, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Bethany explains that she's looking for work

Suki says that Chit Chat magazine is looking for someone.

bethany platt, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Craig updates Michael

He explains that the builders' yard fire was started accidentally by an electrical heater.

craig tinker, michael bailey, coronation street

Wednesday, January 31: Michael has mixed feelings

Although he's relieved that Ed wasn't responsible, he feels guilty for blaming him.

craig tinker, michael bailey, coronation street

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