Coronation Street star Will Mellor explains Harvey and Adam's surprising alliance

harvey gaskell in coronation street
Corrie star explains Harvey and Adam's allianceITV

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Will Mellor has explained the returning Harvey Gaskell's surprising alliance with Adam Barlow in Coronation Street.

The drug boss and the lawyer have an unexpected truce in a story that kicks off tonight (January 1) as Harvey's half-brother Damon Hay returns to Weatherfield to win back Sarah Barlow.

Since Harvey has no love lost with Damon, he agrees to team up with Adam in order to get the revenge both of them have wanted for months.

harvey, coronation street

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Ahead of this storyline, Will Mellor has said of the unexpected alliance: "He can see that Adam’s a desperate man and that's the perfect position for Harvey to find someone in. If he’s desperate he’ll do things for him and Harvey will find it easy to get him to do what he wants him to do. Harvey doesn’t mind getting rid of his brother if that’s what is needed."

"As far as he's concerned, his brother had him beaten up, he’s a bit of a threat, so if he’s collateral damage then so be it. Harvey’s playing everybody and they’re all singing from his hymn sheet," Mellor said. "He’ll make Adam do things that he's not comfortable with, he'll see how far he can push him. I don’t think he really trusts Adam, I'm not sure Harvey trusts anybody. But while he's in prison he'll play these games, it's like it keeps him going while he's inside to have these mind games.

"He's a puppet master and playing with people's lives keeps him entertained if nothing else. But also if there is a chance of him getting out, through somebody like Adam doing something dodgy, then he’s going to use it."

The situation begins with Adam believing he can use his legal knowledge to outsmart Harvey, yet he may be in way over his head.

"[Harvey is] street smart and he knows how to work people out," Will said. "There is a fear factor with Harvey and the thing is with Harvey he’s no holds barred. He will follow through with what he says he's going to do. He is intelligent and he’s socially intelligent, he’s very streetwise.

harvey, coronation street

"You don't get to where he's got to, to the top in his game, unless you're strong and you’re clever so yes Adam should be worried. I know he’s in prison but he's always thinking of how can I get out of this situation, he's never going to settle."

Will said that he was "really glad" to be playing Harvey once again, especially since it initially appeared unlikely he'd get to do so with the character in prison for life.

"It's something that straight away when they asked me to play this part, I knew what I wanted to do with it," he recalled. "I wanted to play him very real, a proper baddie, I thought if I'm ever going to be in Coronation Street, I’m glad I’m playing a baddie because it's a part I don't get to play a lot. I enjoy playing him even though he's a baddie."

The actor went on: "He has a way about him that I enjoy playing because it's a challenge for me. I don't get to play many characters like that, he’s probably the most villainous character I’ve ever played. I knew what I wanted to do with him so when they asked me to come back it was a straight yes. Obviously, I wanted to make sure the storyline was something interesting for the audience because the reaction has always been good for Harvey, they seem to like him even though he's a baddie.

harvey gaskell with a prison guard in coronation street

"People like to hate a baddie but at the same time he’s got a bit of charisma about him even though he’s horrendous, so yeah I was glad to come back. I think it's interesting, he's got a few scores to settle."

Will was particularly attracted to the fact that there is something alluring about Harvey in spite of his numerous evil deeds.

"I’ve always wanted to play him as a real person, I don't want to be a cartoon baddie, someone who you think well he’s not that bad. Harvey is rotten to the core," he said. "When I did those scenes with Sam last time we saw he got under Harvey’s skin, asking why he killed his mum and why he did what he did, and I thought that was interesting."

Will went on: "There’s a story behind every person, bad or good, there's a reason why you are who you are, and there's a reason why Harvey is the way he is. That all came out during his scenes with Sam and I found that really interesting. It broke Harvey a little bit, it was the first time you saw any other side to him.

harvey gaskell in coronation street

"So I wanted to make sure that every time I play him it's just very true and real. I know people like this who exist out there, they’re literally out for themselves and they don't mind who they hurt along the way as long as they get what they want. Even if you think Harvey’s being alright, there's always another agenda in the back of his mind. No matter what Harvey’s saying, the cogs are always turning. For the audience, and the people in the scenes, you never know whether he's on board, whether he’s on side, if he’s agreeing or there’s something else.

"I always like to keep the audience guessing with him if we can. Harvey's always trying to further his own end, so I really enjoy playing it."

For Will, one of the more appealing aspects of Harvey's return in the New Year was for the soap to revisit his complicated relationship with half-brother Damon.

"There’s an interesting dynamic between them, my mum told me that Damon had me beaten up and I took it quite personally and said wait till I get my hands on him, so I'm quite glad I get to have that conversation," Will said.

damon hay and sarah barlow, coronation street

"Damon’s denying it but Harvey knows what's gone on and he’s letting Damon know he’s not forgotten, nothing is ever forgotten. Even family aren’t safe, you cross Harvey and he won't forget, he’ll get his own back. It might not be on him, it might be his friends or his family, he’ll hurt him somehow. That’s what’s so interesting, the tug of war between them. Harvey might be inside but he can still pull the strings from where he is."

The actor continued: "Harvey’s got nothing to lose and that’s what makes him so dangerous. At first, we just see him playing with Damon, trying to get a reaction, then when he gets a reaction when he talks about the girl that he’s seeing, Harvey knows he’s got him.

"As soon as he realises how much Damon likes Sarah, the fact she’s got kids that he cares about, then he knows he’s got him. So it’s a case of you do something for me and I’ll leave them alone. He knows he’s got Damon and that's what Harvey likes, he likes to be the puppet master."

Will touched on how Damon might be able to stay one step ahead of his brother — and one key is the grief they share over their mother's death.

"When Damon’s on the backfoot he thinks how can I hurt Harvey, what can I say, and we know from that scene with Sam that’s mentioning his mum," he said. "Their mum passed away when Harvey was young, he's got a picture of her on his prison wall and after that conversation with Sam he wrecked his cell thinking about it.

harvey gaskell in coronation street

"That's his weakness, he knows his mum wouldn’t be proud of him, but it’s too late and she’s not here. He can't think about it, he can't be weak in prison. Damon tries to send the ball back over the net by saying while you’re in here think of that but all that’s going to do is make Harvey go even deeper.

"While he's stuck in prison what he has got is his mind and he's thinking if you’re going to hurt I’ll come at you, your friends, your loved ones, their kids, he doesn't stop. It's not going to make him happy but it's all about getting even and making sure people respect because in prison that's all you've got."

Harvey's return is unique in that he won't actually be seen on the cobbles — the characters he interacts with are consistently brought into his world behind the prison walls.

"I love it, everyone gets to come into my world. Once I walk onto that set I’m Harvey, everything changes, my walk changes, the way I speak," he said. "As soon as I put my clothes on and walk on everything changes and that's why I like it. When you know a character inside out, like I feel I know Harvey you just step into it. Then when people come on to the set I sit differently, I play with it a little bit like Harvey does."

Will added: "Playing him you can just do something with a look, the way he moves to disconcert people, or the way he can be flippant and just play with people. He’s enjoyable to play because he doesn’t have respect for people, he can be one thing then another. So when people come onto the set it’s my domain and I enjoy it. Whatever I’m doing I come ready, I want it to be the best it can be, you’re only as good as the last scene you did.

will mellor
Karwai Tang/WireImage - Getty Images

"I want to be 100% genuine and believable, whoever I'm playing, so in that moment I'm Harvey and that's the end of it. Me and Sam get on and have a laugh afterwards but in that moment I’m Harvey and I’ll stare you out, make awkward moments, I’ll lean in and I’ll grab you. That's when you get the best out yourself, you’ve just got to go in 100%. The only time Harvey will ever smile is when he’s got someone where he wants them."

While the vibe on screen will be tense between Harvey, Adam and Damon, Will seemingly gets on well with co-stars Sam Robertson (aka Adam) and Ciaran Griffiths (aka Damon).

"I've never had a problem with anyone I've worked with at Corrie, they’ve always been very friendly, it's a lovely environment to be in," he said. "Obviously, I only get to work in my cell now so a lot of my scenes are two-handers and I like that.

"You get a rhythm and a good pace, you can play with the timing and that’s everything in acting so I really enjoy it. I think we've done some good stuff, we’re setting things up, and I hope the audience like what we're doing with Harvey, Damon and Adam."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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