Corrected - Factbox: Composition of Russia's new government

Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) meets with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Sochi, Russia May 15, 2018. Sputnik/Ekaterina Shtukina/Pool via REUTERS

(In May 18 story, corrects spelling of last names of Dmitry Kozak, Mikhail Kotyukov and Konstantin Chuychenko; and corrects first name of Yuri Trutnev)

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Friday unveiled who will be in his new cabinet.

The following is a list of the ministers in the new Russian new government


Dmitry Medvedev - 52. Was reappointed to the position he has held since 2012. Served as Russian president from 2008 to 2012.


Konstantin Chuychenko - 52, Government Chief of Staff and Deputy Prime Minister. Was Kremlin aide from 2008.

Anton Siluanov - 55, First Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. Held the finance minister position since the end of 2011.

Dmitry Kozak - 59, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for energy and industry sectors. Has been a deputy prime minister from 2008.

Vitaly Mutko - 59, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for construction and regional development. From 2012 to 2016 was Sports Minister than was appointment to Deputy Prime Minister position later.

Yuri Borisov - 61, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for defence industry complex. Was Deputy Defence Minister since 2012.

Maxim Akimov - 48, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for transport and communications. Was First Deputy Government Chief of Staff in previous government.

Alexei Gordeyev - 63, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for agro-industrial complex. He was Agriculture Minister from 1999 to 2009. After this was governor of Voronezh Region and Putin's Envoy in the Central Russian region.

Tatiana Golikova - 52, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for welfare. Was the head of Russia's Audit Chamber since 2013, also a former Minister of Health and Social Development.

Olga Golodets - 56, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for culture and sport. Was Deputy Prime Minister in the previous government since 2012.

Yuri Trutnev - 62, Deputy Prime Minister responsible for Russian Far East development. Was Deputy Prime Minister since 2013.


Finance Minister - Anton Siluanov

Energy Minister - Alexander Novak, 46. Held this position since 2012.

Foreign Minister - Sergei Lavrov, 68. Held this position from 2004.

Defence Minister - Sergei Shoigu, 62. Held this position since 2012.

Economy Minister - Maxim Oreshkin, 35. Held this position since 2016.

Industry and Trade Minister - Denis Manturov, 49. Held this position since 2012.

Agriculture Minister - Dmitry Patrushev, 40 years. Held the position of Chairman of the board of directors of Russian Agricultural Bank.

Sport Minister - Pavel Kolobkov, 48. Held this position from 2016.

Minister of Internal Affairs - Vladimir Kolokoltsev, 57. Held this position from 2012.

Emergencies Minister - Yevgeny Zinichev, 51. Held the position of Deputy Director of Federal Security Service.

Transport Minister - Yevgeny Ditrikh, 45. Held the position of Deputy Transport Minister since 2015.

Education Minister - Olga Vasilieva, 58. Held this position from 2016.

Science and Higher Education Minister - Mikhail Kotyukov, 41. Held the position of the head of Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations.

Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology - Dmitry Kobylkin, 46. Held the position of governor of Yamalo-Nenets district since 2010.

Minister of Health - Veronika Skvortsova, 57. Held this position from 2016.

Minister of Labour and Social Development - Maxim Topilin, 51. Held this position since 2012.

Justice Minister - Alexander Konovalov, 49. Held this position from 2008.

Culture Minister - Vladimir Medinskiy, 48. Held this position from 2012.

Minister of Construction - Vladimir Yakushev, 49. Held the position of governor of the Tyumen Region since 2005.

Minister of Communications - Konstantin Noskov, 39. Held the position of head of Government Analytical Centre since 2012.

Minister for development of the Far East - Alexander Kozlov, 36. Held the position of governor of Amur Region since 2015.

Minister for development of the North Caucasus - Sergey Chebotarev. According to publicly-available information, he held the position of Deputy Head of Presidential administration's department of trans-regional and cultural ties with foreign countries.

(Reporting by Polina Nikolskaya; Editing by Christian Lowe)