Corrected (official) - Factbox: Ways to help refugees, migrants in Europe and beyond

(In Sept. 9 story, corrects paragraph 11 to say Catholic Relief Services operates a facility near the Hungarian-Serbian border. The group did not build it.) REUTERS - For those looking for ways to help the hundreds of thousands of refugees and migrants fleeing wars and poverty, the following is a list of humanitarian organizations that are distributing aid and services in Europe and the Middle East. Before you make a donation, read about non-profit organizations on sites such as CharityNavigator ( and GuideStar ( to understand the mission of the group and how they use the money: * Mercy Corps ( The group is deploying a team to the Greek island of Lesbos this week and setting up an office in the city of Mytilene. "Working with local partners, we'll provide essential supplies such as hygiene items to new arrivals there," said Christine Nyirjesy Bragale, director of media relations. Mercy Corps is sending emergency responders to the Balkans to assess the land routes traveled by refugees. * Save the Children ( Save the Children is working to complete a rapid needs assessment on three Greek islands where thousands of refugees are living in informal camps. "We are planning to provide a protective environment for children in these camps while also setting up emergency shelters and distributing basic hygiene items and baby kits," spokesman Michael Kiernan said. This week in the Serbian capital of Belgrade, Save the Children set up mother-baby help centers near the city’s main train and bus stations, major gathering points for refugees. The group has seen a significant increase in donations from the United States, raising more than $700,000 from individuals in the past week, Kiernan said. It expects to announce major corporate partnerships within the next week. * Doctors Without Borders ( The international aid group said it had rescued almost 15,000 on the Mediterranean Sea this year. The organization is providing direct medical services to refugees throughout the Mediterranean, a spokesman said. For a map, click * Catholic Relief Services ( Catholic Relief Services is operating a facility near the border of Hungary and Serbia to provide people in transit with a brief respite. The organization is working with various authorities to provide emergency relief, medical care, translation services and legal counseling refugees and migrants in Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece. "In addition, we are helping more than 500,000 people in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and Iraq — to support Syrians and local communities affected by the influx of refugees due to the Syrian civil war," said spokeswoman Nikki Gamer. * The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies ( The world's largest humanitarian network helps vulnerable migrants and refugees along the Mediterranean and Western Balkans migratory routes through its member Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Assistance includes the distribution of food, water, hygiene kits, baby supplies, clothing and first aid kits. The Red Cross and Red Crescent also provide medical care and first aid, assistance with reconnecting separated family members and psychosocial support. * World Food Programme ( The U.N. World Food Programme (WFP) is the largest humanitarian agency fighting global hunger. WFP reaches more than four million people every month inside Syria with urgently needed food and provides electronic food vouchers to 1.5 million refugees in neighboring countries. * ShelterBox USA ( A disaster relief charity specializing in emergency tented shelter and other life-saving equipment. It has teams on the ground on the Greek island of Lesbos and has sent aid to support more than 5,000 families in Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan, Lebanon and Jordan. * International Committee of the Red Cross ( The goal of this group is to assist and protect the victims of war. It has operations in Yemen, Syria, Iraq and other war-torn countries. It runs a Syria-specific campaign, where funds collected will be used for water, food, healthcare and other essential services for displaced people, including refugees. * USA for UNHCR ( This year, more than 320,000 people have made the dangerous journeys across the Mediterranean and close to 3,000 refugees and migrants have died or gone missing, UNHCR said. UNHCR is on the ground in Italy, Greece, Serbia, Hungary, Turkey and other countries in Europe, protecting refugees and providing lifesaving assistance such as shelter, food, water and medical care to refugees arriving in Europe. UNHCR is also providing assistance and protection in countries that refugees travel through along their journey to Europe. * International Rescue Committee ( The New York-based group has an emergency team in Greece on the island of Lesbos. Every year, IRC resettles thousands of refugees in 22 U.S. cities. IRC said it has assisted 270 of 1,541 Syrian refugees resettled to the United States. * World Vision ( A Christian humanitarian organization with operations in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq to assist refugees and migrants with clean water, cash assistance for food, hygiene kits, basic household goods, clothing, child-friendly spaces and education. * Oxfam America ( Oxfam provides clean water and safe sanitation to Syrian refugee families in Lebanon and Jordan. * CARE ( CARE has operations in Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, Yemen and Syria, offering all kinds of assistance to people displaced by the war in Syria. For example, in Jordan, CARE provides cash assistance to pay for basic living costs. In Lebanon, CARE is distributing packages to newly arrived refugees, including essentials such as mattresses, blankets, kitchen sets, baby items and hygiene kits. * Islamic Relief USA ( The Islamic humanitarian group is running campaigns to raise funds for several projects, including emergency shelters for Syrian refugees. (Compiled by Lauren Young; Editing by Grant McCool)