Corrie confirms returning character in Daisy Midgeley story

Coronation Street spoilers follow.

Coronation Street has confirmed that Daisy Midgeley will receive an unwelcome surprise in upcoming scenes, as her mum Christina Boyd returns to the cobbles.

Christina was last seen late last year, when she agreed to help Daisy hide her affair with Ryan Connor from her fiancé Daniel Osbourne - a secret which soon came out regardless.

In scenes that will air on Wednesday, March 27, Christina makes plans to come and visit Daisy again, texting her daughter to announce that she will be coming to stay for two weeks.

daisy midgeley, christina, coronation street
ryan connor, jenny connor, daisy midgeley, christina, coronation street

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This leaves both Daisy and her stepmum Jenny Connor horrified, as they have been keeping up a pretence that it was Christina who lent them the money to buy The Rovers Return, in order to hide the fact that they secretly used the money that Stephen Reid stole from Carla Barlow.

Ryan is shocked when he sees Daisy telling her mum that she isn't welcome at the pub and suggesting that she goes to visit her friend in Amsterdam instead.

Later on, Christina shows up at The Rovers anyway, explaining that her passport has expired and she has nowhere else to stay.

Ryan insists that she should stay and have a drink, unknowingly putting his foot in it when he says that it's the least they can do after she lent Daisy and Jenny so much money.

jenny connor, ryan connor, daisy midgeley, coronation street

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Oblivious Christina is intrigued by his words - is she about to blow Daisy and Jenny's cover?

Actress Charlotte Jordan, who plays Daisy, previously confirmed that her character is "terrified" of being caught out over her lies, although she doesn't necessarily feel guilty about the way she's used the stolen money.

"Daisy is viewing the money as Stephen's money instead of Carla's money. Otherwise, it's a bit too personal and a bit too close to home," she explained, adding: "She thinks he was a bad guy who didn't deserve it anyway and at least Daisy can put it to good use, which is ultimately going to help herself as well as the community."

Coronation Street airs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8pm on ITV1 and streams on ITVX.

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