Corrie murder horror and 8 more soap spoilers for this week

Soap spoilers follow.

Struggling to keep track of the constant stream of soap spoilers? Fear not, as every Monday Digital Spy picks out the biggest and best storylines hitting your screens in the week ahead

1. Coronation Street: Toyah confesses to murder

(Wednesday 14th September at 8.00pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

With her trial looming, Toyah is a nervous wreck as she battles to contain her emotions. Abi asks her if she’d like to have Alfie for a couple of hours, but it proves too much for Toyah and she breaks down, apologising to the tot for taking his daddy away.

Toyah returns home in a state of distress and Leanne is stunned when she walks in to hear her sister telling Spider she lied to the police and crashed the car on purpose, intending to kill Imran.

Horrified by Toyah’s confession, Leanne begs her to stay quiet and allow her solicitor to do the talking in court.

Later, with the trial underway, the prosecution barrister paints Toyah as a cold-hearted killer, then Adam and Kelly are called as witnesses. Next, Saira takes the stand and reveals to the room how she saw Toyah kissing Spider and suspects they were having an affair so she killed Imran on purpose.

Leanne tries her hardest to defend her sibling, but as guilt-ridden Toyah listens on she decides it’s time she had her say. Will she admit to murder and end up behind bars?

2. Emmerdale: Kim discovers Jamie is alive

(Monday 12th September at 7.30pm on ITV)

Kim’s frustration over Hazel and Millie not turning up for their arranged meeting turns to fear when she learns Hazel has been in an accident.

Dashing to the hospital, Kim finds Hazel in a terrible state, but nothing prepares her for the shock when Millie’s gran admits she was pushed down the stairs by Jamie. Horrified to hear her son, who she presumed was dead, is still alive, Kim orders Hazel to fill her in on everything then rings the police to report Jamie for attempted murder.

Realising how scared and confused Millie is, Kim takes her back to Home Farm, where Will, Dawn and Gabby all reel at the news Jamie faked his own death. Later, Kim finds herself alone and as years of hurt and betrayal from her offspring boil to the surface she smashes up her living room in a fit of anger.

Next day, Kim hands over the proof of Jamie’s existence to the police, unaware Millie has overheard her badmouthing her dad. Feeling hurt, she decides to do a runner and Kim is beside herself when she later discovers her granddaughter has disappeared.

3. EastEnders: Alfie crashes Kat’s wedding day

(Monday 12th September at 8.30pm on BBC1)

Photo credit: BBC
Photo credit: BBC

It’s time for Kat and Phil to say I do this week, and as predicted their wedding day descends into complete chaos. After receiving a warning from Shirley, bride-to-be Kat is having doubts about marrying a Mitchell and is also unaware Sharon is on a mission to win Phil back.

Getting to work, Sharon hands Phil a photo of them, reminding him how good they were together but is gutted when he insists it’s Kat he loves.

As she reels, Zack misinterprets a conversation and assumes Phil has chosen her sister, leading Kat to find out and all hell to break loose. After her slanging match with Sharon, Kat returns home and gets the shock of her life when her ex-husband Alfie rocks up, begging her not to go through with the wedding.

Incensed, Kat tells him where to go, and after an exchange with Phil, Alfie returns to his canal boat to find Bert and Ernie have snuck in his van. He rings Kat about the twins, forcing her to go and fetch them, while Phil waits for her at the altar.

As Alfie tries his hardest to win back the love of his life, Sharon gets wind of Kat’s no show at the church and makes a last-ditch attempt to convince Phil he’s marrying the wrong woman. Will Sharon and Alfie get their way or will Kat and Phil tie the knot?

4. Hollyoaks: Warren disowns Joel

(Tuesday 13th September at 7.00pm on E4 and Wednesday 14th September at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

After taking aim at the person responsible for his hit and run, horrified Warren realises he’s shot Joel. Critically injured by the bullet, Joel is in a bad way, so Sienna and Warren rush him straight to hospital.

After being worked on by the medics, Joel finally regains consciousness, but there’s further heartbreak for Warren when he finally learns it was his son who ran him over. As Warren reels in shock that his own flesh and blood wanted him dead, Joel begs his dad for forgiveness.

Father and son end up having an emotional heart-to-heart, but Joel’s hopes of being able to put the whole thing behind them are dashed when Warren declares he’s done with him – for good.

5. Emmerdale: Liam and Leyla try to rebuild

(Wednesday 14th September at 7.30pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

As Liam struggles to cope with the reality of Leyla’s drug addiction, Priya worries he’s in denial and asks Jai to offer his support. He agrees, and sets about coaching the GP on the best way to deal with his wife’s rehabilitation.

Reality soon bites and Liam decides he and Leyla should give couples’ therapy a go. It ends up being an emotional experience, and Liam is left feeling utterly drained after he and Leyla open up about their recent struggles.

Next day, the tension is palpable as Liam returns home with Leyla to Tenant House, and both of them are aware there’s going to be a long and difficult road ahead.

6. Coronation Street: The net closes in on Gary

(Friday 16th September at 8.00pm on ITV)

Photo credit: ITV
Photo credit: ITV

With his heart set on marrying Kelly, Aadi stuns Dev by announcing they’re planning to get hitched in Gretna Green. Dev’s still not happy about his son’s choice of bride, but Aadi and Kelly decide to throw an engagement party to prove how serious they are about each other.

Gary’s far more supportive of the young couple’s plans and offers to chip in towards the wedding, much to Maria’s horror, who’s convinced Kelly will soon get bored with Aadi and ditch him.

As the engagement party gets started, Gary’s alarmed when Sharon shows up and begs her not to reveal he killed her dad. Later on, Kelly receives a holdall of her late mum’s which she left in Spain and scrolls through a digital camera, finding a holiday snap dated the same day Rich was murdered.

Realising Laura couldn’t have been responsible for his death after all, Kelly shows Gary the evidence, declaring she wants to find her dad’s real killer.

7. EastEnders: Dotty sleeps with Finlay

(Thursday 15th September at 7.30pm on BBC1)

Photo credit: BBC
Photo credit: BBC

After bonding with Dotty over their dad issues, Finlay decides to invite her out for a drink. Vinny is consumed with jealousy when he spies the pair looking cosy, and with tensions high he ends up decking his love rival.

Ash attempts to diffuse the situation by offering her brother some reassuring words, but as Vinny tries to call Dotty, he’s unaware she’s jumped into the sack with Finlay. Next morning, Bernie spies Dotty doing the walk of shame home and urges her to be honest with Vinny.

Deciding honesty is the best policy, she comes clean to Vinny, who’s gutted. Finlay intervenes, but only ends up aggravating the situation and Dotty soon finds herself homeless when Vinny slings her out onto the street.

8. Hollyoaks: James’s dangerous scheme backfires

(Thursday 15th September at 7.00pm on E4 and Friday 16th September at 6.30pm on Channel 4)

Photo credit: Lime Pictures
Photo credit: Lime Pictures

Donna-Marie is jumping for joy over the grand opening of her new gym this week, while spiteful James is rooting for her venture to fail. Clearly spiralling, James is on a mission to hurt those around him, and after taunting alcoholic John Paul with booze, he lashes out at Donna-Marie.

The following day, Donna-Marie meets with Grace, Leela and Romeo to get the gym ready, unaware James is plotting to destroy her dream. The scheming solicitor meets with Norma to discuss his plan, proposing she arranges a break in to scare Donna-Marie into selling the business at a low.

She gets to work, but James’s conscience kicks in at the last minute when he fears son Romeo could be in danger. Unfortunately it’s Leela who ends up getting caught in the crossfire, and as guilt-ridden James offers her comfort, Ste wrongly assumes his ex has decided to turn over a new leaf. Later, all eyes are on James later as he makes a shock confession.

9. Home and Away: Cash is in a critical condition

(Tuesday 13th September at 1.15pm on Channel 5)

Photo credit: Channel 5
Photo credit: Channel 5

Cash’s life is hanging in the balance after being shot during the operation to apprehend the biker gang.

The copper goes into cardiac arrest while being loaded into the back of an ambulance, and Xander begins performing CPR, determined Cash won’t die on his watch. At the hospital, Cash is treated by the Bay’s newest doctor, Bree Cameron, and Felicity arrives in time to see her brother before he’s whisked into theatre.

Elsewhere at the police station, Nikau is appalled to learn Tane was working with the police, and for their own safety they agree to play along with their ‘arrest’ until the bikies are behind bars.

Meanwhile, Cash returns from surgery, and Rose rushes to her unconscious colleague’s side, blaming herself for the shooting. There’s panic in the room when Cash’s heart stops again, and Dr Cameron orders him to undergo another emergency operation.

As Cash’s loved ones are told to prepare for the worst, devastated Felicity lashes out at Rose, blaming her for her sibling’s state. Thankfully, Cash makes it through his second surgery and his placed in an induced coma, as devoted Felicity vows to stay by his bedside until he wakes up.

Read moreCoronation Street spoilers on our dedicated homepage.

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