Costly 'Wheel Of Fortune' Goof Would Have Eddie Money Rolling In His Grave

A “Wheel of Fortune” contestant on Thursday’s episode lost a pricey vacation after botching a nearly completed puzzle. (Watch the video below.)

The category was “song title.” Through several fortuitous spins and correct letter guesses, Antoinette seemed on her way to easily solving it, with more than $13,000 tallied up. Host Pat Sajak appeared to believe she was on the verge of cashing in as well.

The board read “TWO TICKETS TO _ _ R_ _ ISE.”

Antoinette asked to buy the vowel “U.”

“No,” Sajak said as the crowd groaned.

Fellow contestant Erica then correctly answered “TWO TICKETS TO PARADISE,” the title of the 1970s rock ‘n’ roll classic by the late Eddie Money.

“In this case, the paradise is the island of Maui,” Sajak told Erica about the vacation she had just won, valued at $13,200, including $5,000 cash.

Antoinette might have been thinking “I wanna go back” ― another Money song title ― to correct her mistake. But she still rebounded to win $14,200 and take second place.

Erica went on to win the game.

Fast-forward to 10:40 for the “Paradise” puzzle:
