‘I couldn’t feel my hands!’ Daniel Craig hated his Stormtrooper costume in Star Wars cameo

Daniel Craig disliked wearing his Stormtrooper outfit in Star Wars  (ES Composite/ Star Wars)
Daniel Craig disliked wearing his Stormtrooper outfit in Star Wars (ES Composite/ Star Wars)

Daniel Craig said starring in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was made enjoyable because of the uncomfortable Stormtrooper costume.

The former James Bond actor appeared as a Stormtrooper in the 2015 blockbuster but said he was not prepared for how restrictive the outfit would be.

“I love Star Wars. I wouldn’t have asked to be in it otherwise,” he said on Josh Horowitz’s Happy Sad Confused podcast.

"Ben Dixon, who’s an assistant director on those movies and he was an AD on our movie as well, and I was doing fittings.

“I asked him ‘Could I get a part in this?’ And he just said let me go and ask. The next day, I was in a fucking Stormtrooper suit.”

An outfit more to his liking:  Craig has stepped down as Bond and isn’t interested in  rumours about who will step into his shoes (Dave Benett)
An outfit more to his liking: Craig has stepped down as Bond and isn’t interested in rumours about who will step into his shoes (Dave Benett)

Craig, whose latest role is in Netflix drama Knives Out, continued: “I had to wear the thing all day and I couldn’t feel my hands by the end of the day.

“These poor people have to wear them in the desert, I wouldn’t have done it if I had to go to Tunisia.”

However, the star said, despite the discomfort, his role as FN-1824 was “very dear” to him and he even tried to get into the subsequent two sequels in the space franchise with “no luck”.

Craig also claimed that he hasn’t heard any of the rumours about who will be taking over his role as Bond.

Craig as Detective Benoit Blanc and Janelle Monáe as Andi in Knives Out (John Wilson/Netflix © 2022)
Craig as Detective Benoit Blanc and Janelle Monáe as Andi in Knives Out (John Wilson/Netflix © 2022)

He added to the podcast: "I don’t really pay any attention... There’s a lot of noise.

"I mean, I don’t go on the internet. I don’t have a social media account or whatever it is.

"So, it’s what it is."

Aaron Taylor Johnson, pictured with wife Sam Taylor Johnson,  is the Bookies favourite to be the next Bond (Matches Fashion)
Aaron Taylor Johnson, pictured with wife Sam Taylor Johnson, is the Bookies favourite to be the next Bond (Matches Fashion)

Last year, the star stepped away from his 007 role with No Time to Die, the final instalment as the secret agent in five of the franchise’s films that began in 2006 with Casino Royale.

No one has been named as his replacement, but a series of names, including latest top contender, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, have emerged as favourites to take the baton.