The covers for Void Rivals #5 hint at danger for Darak (and more ties to Transformers)

 Cover art for Void Rivals #5.
Cover art for Void Rivals #5.

We covered the big reveal at the heart of Void Rivals #4 yesterday and we're back on an Energon universe tip today, with an exclusive full cover reveal for the next issue of Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo De Felici's ongoing sci-fi adventure.

Skybound's official synopsis for the new issue reads: "When Darak and Solila's return to the Sacred Ring doesn't go as planned, a new danger enters their lives!"

Minor #4 spoiler ahead: The most recent issue saw the two rivals (who are edging ever-so-closer to being allies and maybe even friends) locked up together in a jail cell. It seems from both the main cover by series artist Lorenzo De Felici, and the variant by Dike Ruan, that Darak especially is in serious trouble as the Zertonians interrogate him.

Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5

But fear not! It's clear from the 1:10 variant by Mateus Manhanini, and the 1:25 cover by Karen S. Darboe, that both Darak and Solila will be fighting side-by-side through this ordeal.

Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5

The 1:50 copy incentive variant is a bit of a mystery at the moment. We know that it's drawn by Jae Lae, but there's currently a big old spoiler warning on it. At a guess, though, we might be seeing a bit more of the Transformers character that was re-introduced in Void Rivals #4, or perhaps another of their race. For now, then, take a look at a big blank box.

Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5

The final cover is a fun anniversary team up cover by Conor Hughes, that depicts Darak and Solila teaming up with Rick Grimes and Michonne of The Walking Dead to fight off zombies. No, as far as we're aware, that book is not a part of the Energon universe, but it's a cool cover all the same.

Cover art for Void Rivals #5
Cover art for Void Rivals #5

Before the new issue arrives, however, there's the launch of another Energon universe title, Transformers by Daniel Warren Johnson, which lands next week. You can read all about that right here.

Void Rivals #5 is published by Skybound on October 25.

Robert Kirkman tells us about the origins of Void Rivals.