Croatia opens consultations on new cabinet after inconclusive election

President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic of Croatia waits to address attendees during the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. headquarters in New York, September 30, 2015. REUTERS/Mike Segar

By Igor Ilic ZAGREB (Reuters) - The Croatian president ended a first round of talks on forming a new government on Thursday without the kingmaker minority party deciding which side to back after an inconclusive election. The opposition conservative HDZ party had won 59 seats in the 151-seat parliament in the Nov. 8 polls, three seats more than the incumbent Social Democrats. The reformist newcomer "Most" (Croatian for "bridge") party with 19 seats holds the balance of power. Whoever wins the support of at least 76 parliamentary deputies will become prime-minister designate. President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, speaking after talking to all the parliamentary groups, said: "The first round has shown that no one has support to be nominated the prime minister-designate. The second round of consultations will take place on Dec. 7. The new parliament will convene on Dec. 3, she said. The two major parties began talks with Most immediately after the polls but have showed an unwillingness to accept its proposal on a joint cabinet to tackle Croatia's economic woes, despite voicing a readiness to accept most of the reformist ideas it put forward. Most, founded three years ago and largely made up of successful municipal politicians, says it is determined to overhaul a bloated and inefficient public sector and judiciary, and reduce taxation pressure on businesses as well as fiscal imbalances. However, its unity is questioned by many analysts, especially after one prominent member was sidelined due to separate talks with the Social Democrats and then founded his own party. "We know little about the level of unity among 'Most' members. Also, in the current talks they don't stick clearly to their pre-election programme but rather seem to seek a proposal which might be unacceptable for others," political analyst Ivan Rimac said. The proposal Most put forward this week as an indispensable condition for supporting the new government is declaring an exclusive economic zone in the Adriatic Sea. If post-election coalition talks fail, Croatia will face new election which some analysts see as the worst option for a country with severe economic problems. "The new polls would be the worst outcome as we need reforms and no time to lose. My message is 'take responsibility'," political analyst Andjelko Milardovic said on state radio on Thursday. Croatia, the newest European Union member, has a public debt of close to 90 percent of GDP and a 17-percent unemployment. The European Commission and the International Monetary Fund want the future government to pursue fiscal consolidation and remove obstacles for investment, notably in the private sector. (Reporting by Igor Ilic; Editing by)