Cyberpunk 2077 dev says you should probably check your PC's cooling system before you boot up Phantom Liberty

 Cyberpunk 2077
Cyberpunk 2077

Ahead of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, you should check your PC's cooling systems, one of the DLC's developers says.

A few weeks ahead of Phantom Liberty's release, Filip Pierściński of CD Projekt Red has issued a warning to players, asking them to "please check [the] conditions of your cooling systems in [your] PC," as the upcoming DLC will require a lot of processing power on even the most powerful PCs. In fact, players can expect it to take up around 90% of their machine's processing power.

It's probably not a good idea to panic players this close to Phantom Liberty's release, however, Pierściński has been answering fans' queries in the replies to the tweet, and confirming whether their PCs will be up to scratch. "I currently have a core i7-8700, will I not be able to run the game anymore?," one Cyberpunk 2077 player asked, to which the developer simply replied: "Will be good."

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Clearly, CD Projekt Red has pulled out all the stops for Phantom Liberty, with fans going as far as calling it Cyberpunk 2.0 due to all the changes and new features heading to the game upon the expansion's release. If you didn't know, Phantom Liberty will see playable protagonist V take on a "spy-thriller" adventure where they'll visit previously unexplored locations, obtain new weapons, get redesigned Cyberware, and much more.

Speaking of new things, CD Projekt Red will introduce Dogtown to Cyberpunk 2077, a new location inspired by South American drug lords, as well as a new character Solomon Reed, played by none other than Idris Elba, who will help V as they save the President of the New United States. Don't worry, Keanu Reeves is also back as Johnny Silverhand once again.

Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is set to release on September 26, 2023, and will be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

Excited for the DLC? Find out why Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty isn't an expansion, it's a rebirth.