'Daily Show' Guest Sarah Silverman Rips Nikki Haley's Love For 1 Hateful Pastor

The Daily Show” guest host Sarah Silverman trashed 2024 GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley for inviting a televangelist with a homophobic, sexist and antisemitic past to help kick off her campaign on Wednesday(Watch the video below.)

Controversial pastor John Hagee delivered the invocation at the event for Haley, who told the South Carolina crowd that she wants to be like Hagee when she “grows up.”

Hagee’s history of controversial statements includes remarks that a God-sent Adolf Hitlerwas tasked with hunting Jewish people as part of a divine plan to send them to Israel, that Hurricane Katrinawas God’s retribution for a planned gay pride parade” in New Orleans, and that women “are only meant to be mothers and bear children.”

Hagee has previously backed former President Donald Trump and late Sen. John McCain. McCain rejected the pastor’s endorsement after his Hitler comments resurfaced in 2008.

Silverman mocked Haley for her public praise of Hagee on Thursday.

“Oh, Pastor Hagee, I hope one day I can appreciate Hitler as much as you do,” Silverman joked.

“Right now my appreciation of Hitler is like here. I want to get it up, get it up to about here,” she continued with a raised-hand salute.

She added: “Sure, this guy thinks the Holocaust is good and that’s not good but on the bright side, he does believe it happened. You know, you got to take the Ws where you can.”

Watch Silverman’s comments on Haley starting at the 2:06 mark:
