Dancing on Ice 2024 reveals celebrities in costume with their professional partners

dancing on ice 2024
Dancing on Ice 2024: Celebs and partners revealedITV
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Dancing on Ice 2024 launches this weekend, marking the return of Holly Willoughby to our TV screens following her departure from This Morning in October last year. The presenter will be joined by new host Stephen Mulhern, who replaces Phillip Schofield. This year's show will see a host of celebrities take to the ice in the hope of being crowned the winner by judges Ashley Banjo, Oti Mabuse and Torvill & Dean.

The 2024 celebrities include Coronation Street actor Ryan Thomas, Emmerdale's Roxy Shahidi and former Love Island star Amber Davies, as well as sports stars Greg Rutherford, Ricky Hatton and Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards.

Take a look at the 2024 celebrities in-costume with their professional partners, in this official images of the Dancing on Ice 2024 pairings.

Dancing on Ice starts Sunday 14 January at 6:30pm on ITV1 and ITVX.

Adele Roberts and Mark Hanretty

What made you say yes to Dancing On Ice?

I've been dying to be on this show since it started. I'm a massive fan. I even have all the DVDs of the show. The technology doesn't even exist anymore – I've got the DVDs, I can't even watch them! I love the show and, for me, it gives you that Christmas feel after Christmas is finished. It's January, you've got no money, it's cold, you don't want to go back to work, school or college – this is the best thing for Sunday nights. It just makes you feel good. Another reason I wanted to do it, as well, is just more recently being able to reclaim my body after what it's been through. I feel like it's allowing me to take back who I am again.

adele roberts, mark hanretty, dancing on ice 2024

Amber Davies and Simon Senecal

What made you sign up to Dancing On Ice?

I didn't think an opportunity like this would present itself, especially because I haven't been on telly for so many years. I thought that ship had sailed. But when the producers pulled me in for a meeting, they solely recognised me as a musical theatre performer. And for me, I was like, "Oh, that's so lovely." I don't feel like opportunities like this come around often, at my age, to learn a brand new skill from scratch. I love pushing my mind and pushing my body, and because I have trained in dancing, I was so intrigued to see if any of it’s the same. And actually, although the terminology in the language is the same, it's not the same on ice. It's not. I really feel like I'm learning a new skill.

amber davies, simon senecal, dancing on ice 2024

Claire Sweeney and Colin Grafton

What made you say yes to Dancing On Ice?

I love watching the show. I'm a fan of the show. I've had quite a few friends who've done it who've absolutely loved the experience, and I wanted to get a skater's bum for Christmas! I look at what The Vivienne lost, like nearly four stone. How wonderful to learn a new skill, get a really fit body, and... you know what? As you get older, you get a bit more fearful and you get a bit more cautious. To really conquer something that is terrifying is wonderful.

claire sweeney, colin grafton, dancing on ice 2024

Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards and Vicky Ogden

What made you want to take on the challenge?

I had a phone call saying that somebody had broken their ankle on Dancing on Ice and would I like to take part in the show. I was thinking, "Oh, shall I? Shall I?" I thought it was way too late because people had already started training. I decided,“Yeah, why not? Give it a go. It's worth a challenge”. I like the fact that I'm way behind everybody and I've got to catch up. I like that kind of thing. I decided to jump in and try to help out, as it were.

eddie 'the eagle' edwards, vicky ogden, dancing on ice 2024

Greg Rutherford and Vanessa James

What did your family and friends think when they found out?

It was just like, "Here he goes. What's his new thing? Oh, of course, it's Dancing on Ice”. They're always expecting me to come up with something and then here we are, we're going into 2024 and it's now ice skating hopefully for up to nine weeks or so. They're all really supportive. My friends and family know exactly what I'm like and they like the fact that I want to push myself.

greg rutherford, vanessa james, dancing on ice 2024

Hannah Spearritt and Andy Buchanan

When you got the call asking you if you'd be interested in Dancing On Ice, what made you say yes?

I'd auditioned for it before, a few years ago. I came out of it feeling quite positive but then I fell pregnant so that didn't happen. I think it's one of those things where it's jumping into the unknown, hugely. When I auditioned for it this time there was such a positive, kind energy. When I went on the ice with Karen, she kind of sold me on it. I was like, "I've never been on the ice before, just at Christmas time, just hanging onto the rails." Literally within the 20 minutes I was on the ice with her I felt like I learned so much. It was amazing. I thought, "Bloody hell, if I can learn and progress that much in 20 minutes, imagine what I could do with more time.”

hannah spearritt andy buchanan, dancing on ice 2024

Lou Sanders and Brendyn Hatfield

On a scale of Todd Carty famously crashing off the side of the rink to Nile Wilson who won last year, where do you rate your ability?

Oh, Nile was beautiful. I think the athletes have just got it. He really knew how to use his body, whereas with me, they're like, "Do this, do that." And I'm like, "What?" They have to tell me about 100 times and then suddenly one day it'll click and I'm like, "I've got it! Watch this!” And then I’ll face plant. I was really competitive at the start. I was like, "I really want to do this and that." I’ve decided it’s silly to get competitive because it’s not my world, so I’m going to just enjoy it now. I would like a woman to win it though because that’s not happened for ten years. Adele is a beautiful skater and she’s been through a hell of a time, so it would be cool if she won. But as the old adage goes, it is the taking part that counts and we’re having the time of our lives.

lou sanders, brendyn hatfield, dancing on ice 2024

Miles Nazaire and Vanessa Bauer

Do you feel like you've got something to prove?

A hundred percent, actually. You get it all the time. "Miles this, Miles that." And I think for me, it's not just to prove to others but I think to myself as well, to say, "Look, give me a challenge and I'll do it and I'll get it done." I think there's going to be two sides of me you're going to see. I think already one of those sides came out with Vanessa, which is really, really amazing. When you are paired with your dance partner, you need to see there's natural chemistry. I don't know if Vanessa takes it out of me or it's just I'm feeling really comfortable, but there's a side that I only show my mum and people who are very, very close to me, which is kind of like the kiddie side and just having a bit of more fun and not so serious and not so ‘Miles the French boy’ who talks in French and woos women. I really love it when I'm like that. I’m just a bit goofy and I'm just a little bit more myself. That side I'm really excited to show because I think people don't get to see that at all. Also, I think the other side is genuinely just showing that I work hard in everything I do in life. I really do work hard and I want people to see that.

miles nazaire vanessa bauer, dancing on ice 2024

Ricky Hatton and Robin Johnstone

Have you done any skating before this?

No, none at all. I'm a hundred percent novice! To be honest with you, when I look around at some of the people that are on it and obviously I know a couple like Claire Sweeney and Ryan Thomas, who's always been a good friend of mine. It's a nice, great family atmosphere now. Everyone's really nice, everyone that's taking part in it. Even the team that are running it. It's been really good. I'm going round to a few people like Ryan and Claire saying, "Have you ever done any skating before? Because I haven't." And they're like, "No, I've never done any before either." And I'm looking at them, and I'm thinking, "They have!” They're ahead of me for definite. I'm going, "Ryan, come on Ryan, don't lie to me now. Come on." He went, "Well, I have done a little bit of roller skating when I was younger." When I went to the masterclass, that was my first time on the ice. I'm not saying I'm going to be doing a few flips today but from where I've come, from that masterclass to now, I've come on a hell of a lot!

ricky hatton, robin johnstone, dancing on ice 2024

Ricky Norwood and Anette Dytrt

When you got the call for Dancing on Ice, what made you say yes?

It just came at a time in life where it was just a great opportunity. I would normally say no to something like this, being on the ice in the cold, that's normally a no. The ice itself is unpredictable. You're dancing on blades, it can be dangerous, and then the injuries as well. But none of that came into my mind. Once we had the chat, I pretty much said yes straight away. It just felt right. It came at the right time. Timing is everything. And it came at the right time when I was just like, "You know what? To do something that scares me, to do something that challenges me, to do something that is out of my comfort zone is a massive opportunity for growth.” I was just like, "Let's do it. Why not?" It is going to be something that I'm going to have as a skill under my belt for years to come. We are doing very intense, very specific and very difficult stuff. By the time I finish this show, I'm going to be proficient. Hopefully, I'm going to be really good by the time this ends. And then you never know, if there's an acting role that needs me to be an ice skater, if they do a reboot of the Mighty Ducks or they do, I don't know, some ice skating drama, then let's go, it's in the bag!

ricky norwood, anette dytrt, dancing on ice 2024

Roxy Shahidi and Slyvain Longchambon

What did your family and friends think when you told them that you'd said yes?

My friends are all really excited and very generously keep saying, which is quite pressurising, "Oh my God, you're going to be amazing. You're going to be amazing. It's going to be great. It's the yoga." Everyone keeps saying that to me. And I'm like,"I don't know whether it translates." My friends have been really excited and there's really, really big support from everyone at Emmerdale which I'm really grateful for. Again, it's quite pressurising because everyone who's done it from Emmerdale has won – and everyone keeps reminding me of that!

Have any of the Emmerdale winners given you advice?

Matthew just said to me, "Look, it's really, really, really hard work. Be aware it will take over your life. It's every single day." Some days you work on top of it and then suddenly you realise how full on it is physically and schedule-wise. He really warned me about that but he also said, "You're going to absolutely love it." And so far he's right. It's really intense but also I am enjoying it, as challenging and as scary as it is.

roxy shahidi, slyvain longchambon, dancing on ice 2024

Ryan Thomas and Amani Fancy

What made you want to take on the challenge?

It was like it was fate. The week before I got the phone call my 15-year-old daughter had just out of the blue said to me “Dad, will you do Dancing on Ice?” It was so random when she said it to me and I had just said “Maybe one day, Scarlett”. A week later I got a phone call from my agent saying would I like to do it! It wasn’t even a discussion, I immediately said, “I want to do it”. Of all of the shows, it’s the one I’ve always wanted to do. I love skating, there’s something about it that I really enjoy. I’m so happy that I got the phone call and I’m onboard for this series.

ryan thomas, amani fancy, dancing on ice 2024

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