Deaf Dog Uninjured After Massive Fall Thanks To Heroic Rescue

A deaf 8-year-old dog is safe and back with his owners after he tumbled 100 feet into a California ravine on Monday.

Hobo, an Australian shepherd described as friendly and tame, suffered no injuries in the fall, which happened after he spotted something in a ravine near his family’s Sorrento Valley property and lost his footing, owner Julia Plant told KGTV.

Plant dialed for the San Diego Humane Society, which sprung into action to save the canine.

The group said one official with the organization climbed down loose rock to reach Hobo and later called for an environmental response team to assist due to a steep hike back up, according to a Facebook post.

The team proceeded to set up safety lines and used five of its members to cut Hobo out of brush with a saw, the group said.

The four-hour rescue ended with the team safely bringing Hobo back up to his owners.

“It was just not a good situation where the dog was, not for people or animals. It was in a very secluded ravine and there was a big drop off just below that,” Lt. Clint Ganus, who was part of the rescue team, told KGTV.

Plant told the news station that the family has been in the process of installing a fence for him.

“It was a miracle. I mean thank God for the Humane Society,” she said.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
