Dealing with job insecurity

Dealing with job insecurity

4 - dealing with job insecurity
4 - dealing with job insecurity

We know how it feels like – sometimes you feel incapable, inferior to others, or that you don’t belong. Newsflash! No matter what it looks like, everyone has probably felt this one way or another at work. It’s completely normal, and you’re not the only one.

When it comes to dealing with insecurity, especially at work, the first thing we have to do is to not allow ourselves to wallow in it. Use the insecurity as a motivation to do better, instead of drowning in your own self-pity. Harsh, but this is incredibly important.

Accept your insecurity, identify what you can control and take charge of the situation. Here are some ways you can do so.


1) Boost your skills – Go for any new training or courses that come your way. There more skills you have and mastered, the better your chances of securing a new position. You could also take up on new responsibilities in your job and learn new skills at the same time.

2) Start networking – Take advantage of networking. You’ll get to meet new people and organization that could help if you were to ever need it. You’ll also find joy in meeting like-minded people who understand pressures you may be facing.

3) Look after yourself – When jobs are at risk, many employees may try to prove their worth by working longer hours and skipping breaks. This may seem like a tempting tactic, but you’ll end up running yourself to the ground and it won’t do you any favours in the long term. Eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough sleep and maintain a work-life balance. They are all essential in succeeding at your job.

4) Be prepared – You may feel less stressed about the idea of being made redundant if you’ve done everything you can to prepare for it. Update your CV and make sure your job hunting skills are up to scratch.

5) Save up – Everyone worries about how they’ll cope financially if they were to suddenly lose their job. To soften the blow, try to accumulate the amount you need to finance three months of living expenses. It could take a while and it may not be easy, but having spare reserve of cash could give you some peace of mind if people start getting laid off where you work.


Your insecurity stems from your perception of who you are versus who you want to be. Adopt a growth mindset, and remind yourself that where you are is only temporary. As long as you set your mind to it, you are capable of constant change and upgrading.


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