Decorated Traffic Police inspector who molested 4 NSFs jailed: reports

(PHOTO: Getty Images)
(PHOTO: Getty Images)

A decorated Traffic Police inspector convicted of molesting four full-time national servicemen (NSFs) was sentenced to 16 months and nine weeks’ jail on Monday (2 July), according to media reports.

Mohd Taufik Abu Bakar, 55, was convicted in February on six charges of using criminal force to outrage the modesty of the NSFs over the span of a few months in 2015.

The victims, aged 19 to 22, cannot be named to protect their identities. At the time of the offences, they were serving as special constables under Taufik’s charge.

Taufik, who is married and had served in the police force for 31 years, was retired from service on 10 May last year upon reaching his mandatory retirement age. He had been interdicted from the force since 23 August 2016.

“With his conviction, his retirement benefits will be forfeited,” said the police in response to queries from Yahoo News Singapore.

“Officers of the Singapore Police Force (SPF) are expected to uphold the law and maintain the highest standards of conduct and integrity,” the police added.

“SPF takes a zero-tolerance approach to officers who break the law, and will deal severely with such officers in accordance with the law, including charging them in Court.”

Serial abuser

In September 2015, Taufik invited one of the victims – a 19-year-old NSF – to his Jalan Tenaga flat on the pretext of helping the younger man resolve a supposed body odour problem.

While the victim was in the master bedroom toilet, Taufik barged in and started applying hair removal cream to the victim’s private parts. He molested the victim a second time while giving the latter a body scrub.

Between January and June 2015, Taufik also sexually harassed three other NSFs in his team by squeezing or slapping their buttocks. He also pinched the nipples of one of the NSFs.

Shortly after the NSFs joined the team, Taufik started addressing them with terms of endearment such as “sayang” or “baby”.

He also became physical with his victims through light touches on the shoulders. He gradually grew bolder by stroking the NSFs’ chests or putting his arm around their waists. He also made dirty jokes when around them.

The offence that took place in Taufik’s flat came to light when the NSF involved decided to report the incident to a probationary inspector and the matter was escalated to the Traffic Police’s head of investigations.

At the State Courts last month, Taufik’s lawyer Gino Hardial Singh told the court that his client had won numerous awards and commendations during his service.

In mitigation, Singh added that Taufik also suffers from minor coronary artery disease and Type 2 diabetes. The lawyer also argued that the four victims were not vulnerable as they were young adults who could protect themselves and seek legal recourse.

For each count of molestation, Taufik could have been jailed two years and fined. He was not eligible for caning as he is over the age of 50.

Related story:

Traffic police inspector who molested 4 NSFs was a decorated officer of 31 years