Dee Snider Blasts 'MAGAT Fascists' For Stealing 'We're Not Gonna Take It'

Dee Snider back in the day. (Photo: Screen Shot/YouTube/
Dee Snider back in the day. (Photo: Screen Shot/YouTube/

Dee Snider back in the day. (Photo: Screen Shot/YouTube/"We're Not Gonna Take It'")

Longtime Twisted Sister lead singer Dee Snider blasted Donald Trump-supporting “MAGAT Fascists” for stealing the band’s hit “We’re Not Gonna Take It” as their anthem.

Trump supporters are just about the last people in the world the song was intended for, self-identified “libtard” Snider schooled them on Twitter. In fact, he pointed out, they are exactly the kind people that inspired the song.

“Every time you sing ‘We’re Not Gonna Take It’ remember it was written by a cross-dressing, libtard, tree hugging half-Jew who HATES everything you stand for. It was you and people like you that inspired every angry word of that song! SO FUCK OFF!” he tweeted.

Trump and his followers have often helped themselves to various songs at rallies without permission, which has infuriated artists, many of whom don’t share their politics.

Trump rallies often play “Y.M.C.A.” by the Village People, which even Trump has called a “gay anthem” — a strange choice for a conservative party known for its general opposition of same-sex marriage.

Trump has routinely ignored demands from a long list of musicians and their families who do not wish to be associated with the former president. John Fogerty sent Trump a cease-and-desist order for using his song “Fortunate Son” at his rallies, while Tom Petty’s family called out his “campaign of hate” when they asked that he stop using the hit “I Won’t Back Down” at events.

Ozzy Osbourne, Queen, Neil Young, Adele, Rihanna, The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith and Elton John are among the numerous other musicians who have complained about their music being used to push messages they don’t support.

Snider fans hailed him and his attack.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
