Denmark tests medical worker for Ebola, results soon - health officials

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - A medical worker is being tested in Denmark for the Ebola virus that has killed almost 4,500 people in an outbreak in West Africa, health officials said on Thursday. The Danish branch of medical charity Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) said in a statement the test was being carried out on one of its employees who had returned from West Africa and felt a "slight rise" in temperature. A spokesperson for Hvidovre Hospital on the outskirts of Copenhagen said a test was being carried out but could not give further details. "A blood sample from the patient will be analysed by the Statens Serum Institute and a result is expected later today," the Health and Medicines Authority said. A Spanish nurse became the first person to contract the disease outside West Africa earlier this month after treating Ebola patients. (Reporting by Ole Mikkelsen, Annabella Nielsen and Sabina Zawadzki; Editing by Janet Lawrence)