Denmark withdraws EU election video after protests over sex, violence

COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - The Danish parliament has withdrawn a cartoon video featuring a scene of group sex and a non-voter being punched in the face that had been aimed at motivating young people to vote in European parliamentary elections The cartoon, posted on the parliament's Facebook and YouTube sites, had led to protests both from politicians and in social media. The video portrayed a "superhero" named Voteman. First pictured in bed with five women, he then rushes off using dolphins as skis to ensure people vote in the election. He punches and throws one non-voter into a poll booth and interrupts another couple in bed before throwing them out of the window. "I acknowledge that the parliament as an institution, should be more careful in the future about what we put our name on," chairman of the Danish parliament Mogens Lykketoft wrote in an email to the members of the parliament. (Reporting by Annabella Pultz Nielsen; Editing by Alistair Scrutton)